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Glossary: D

deciduous deciduous
A leaf or other organ that is not persistent, falling off after it has performed its normal function, often seasonally.
declined declined
Curved downward.
decumbent decumbent
Lying on the ground, but with the outer portion of the stem upright.
decurrent decurrent
With an axis that extends below a node (as with a wing extending from below a leaf along a stem).
decurved decurved
Curved downward.
decussate decussate
With two opposite organs at each node, alternating by 90 degrees at each successive node.
deflexed deflexed
Bent abruptly downward.
dehiscent dehiscent
Separating or splitting open at maturity, as in a capsule that opens to release seeds.
deltate deltate
dendritic dendritic
Branched like a tree.
dentate dentate
With outward-pointing teeth.
denticulate denticulate
With small, outward-pointing teeth; finely dentate.
depauperate depauperate
With few of a given structure (compare "congested"), or small-statured due to poor growing conditions.
determinate determinate
Growing to a fixed size, with the apex or apical portion developing first, then successively developing to the base.
diaphragmed pith diaphragmed pith
Interior branchlet tissue divided into many horizontal chambers by semi-flexible cross partitions.
dichasial cyme dichasial cyme
An inflorescence comprised of one or more repeating units of trios of flowers: a terminal flower and a two lateral flowers that usually overtops the terminal flower.
dichasium dichasium
A cyme bearing 3 flowers: a central, earlier-blooming one, and two later-developing flowers opposite each other.
dichlamydeous dichlamydeous
Perianth comprised of 2 series of parts, as in a cycle of sepals and/or petals.
dicot dicot
A flowering plant with embryos that produce two seed leaves (compare "monocotyledon" or "monocot"); dicotyledon.
digitate digitate
Like fingers.
dimorphic dimorphic
Having two forms.
Referring to plants that bear staminate (pollen-bearing) flowers on one individual and carpellate (ovule-bearing) flowers on a separate individual.
disk flower disk flower
The tiny flowers located in the center of a composite flower head (Asteraceae).
The mechanism by which a seed is transported from one place to another; dispersal agents in plants include wind, water, animals, insects, and gravity.
distal distal
Positioned at the end away from the point of attachment (compare with proximal).
distichous distichous
With leaves or stems growing on opposite sides of the stem in a two-dimensional plane.
distinct distinct
Not fused with another similar structure.
dithecal dithecal
With two locules (refers to an anther).
divaricate divaricate
Horizontally spreading.
divergent divergent
Gradually spreading apart.
dorsal dorsal
Pertaining to or located on the back or outer surface of a structure, like a shark's dorsal fin.
double-toothed double-toothed
A margin with larger teeth with smaller teeth on them.
drupe drupe
A fleshy fruit with a firm inner ovary wall (endocarp) that encloses a single seed (i.e. a cherry); sometimes the endocarp encloses two or more, closely positioned seeds (called pyrenes).
Without flesh or juice, usually referring to fruit.