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Our ace botanists are here to help you identify wild New England plants and to answer questions about their ecology and conservation. When posting a question, please provide the location, habitat (e.g. river, mountain, woodland), and photographs of the plant.
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Recently answered questions
- Question
- Good day, Please help me identify this plant that has been growing in my front yard in London for at least 20 years.its now very tall and since I have come back from being away it's looking really good.
- Answer
- Dear jordanhinze, there are no images associated with your post. Without them, I won't be able to assist you. If you are having trouble uploading images, feel free to attach them to an email and send them to I will be happy to try to assist you. (Wednesday, 11 December 2024)
- Question
- I'm looking for help identifying these plants. They grow at the side edge of the cliff on Mt Kineo, Piscataquis County, ME. They're little rosettes sharing space with Cerastium strictum. The leaves are somewhat stiff. No flowers. The first photo was taken August 12, the second in late September.
- Answer
- Dear Kimberley, good morning. They look like the rosettes of species of Draba (whitelow-mustard). The only species of Draba that I have seen on Mount Kineo is Draba glabella (the only location in ME for this species). Best wishes. (Tuesday, 19 November 2024)
- Question
- I wanna know when I can harvest the leaves from a RamGoat dashalong plant??
- Answer
- Dear Panda_444, good afternoon. Turnera ulmifolia (ramgoat dahsalong) isn't a species that grows in New England, so I am unable to offer you advice from direct experience with this plant. The leaves are used for a variety of medicinal effects, and aerial portions of many medicinal plants would be gathered when the plants are in flower and the leaves are fully expanded but not yet beginning to degrade in the Fall season. But, again, I can't offer you direct experience with this plant, so I would encourage you to ask someone from your area to assist. Best wishes. (Monday, 18 November 2024)
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