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Ace Acer

Our ace botanists are here to help you identify wild New England plants and to answer questions about their ecology and conservation. When posting a question, please provide the location, habitat (e.g. river, mountain, woodland), and photographs of the plant.

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Recently answered questions

  • Question
    Please help identify this aquatic plant found in East Lyme, CT on August 28, 2024. It was observed in a shallow cove of a lake thanks
    Dear James, good morning. You have identified a species of Myriophyllum (water-milfoil). I can't tell you which species with confidence because I would need to see details of fruits and leaf arrangement. The morphology looks like emersed forms of Myriophyllum humile, but again I can't be certain. Best wishes. (Monday, 21 October 2024)
  • Question
    Dear Botinist, This shrub is growing in a somewhat landscaped area in Reading MA. I spoke with the owner and it could have been planted there, or it could have been an opportunistic grower. Could you please identify? These photos were taken about two weeks ago.
    Dear Stephan, good morning. You have photographed a species of Ligustrum, shrubs in the olive family. The species you have here is likely Ligustrum vulgare (European privet), but I would not be able to be certain without close-up images of the branchlets and (preferably) images of the flowers. Hopefully knowing the genus is useful to you. (Monday, 21 October 2024)
  • Question
    Found in Hermon by pond in understory of woods. Is this lily of the valley?
    Dear nevada13, good morning. Yes, you have discovered some plants of Convallaria majalis (lily-of-the-valley). This species produces a red, spherical berry that hangs down on a slender stalk--just as you have pictured. Best wishes. (Monday, 21 October 2024)

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