What’s a dichotomous key?
- Group 1Lycophytes, Monilophytes
- Group 2Gymnosperms
- Group 3Monocots
- Group 4Woody angiosperms with opposite or whorled leaves
- Group 5Woody angiosperms with alternate leaves
- Group 6Herbaceous angiosperms with inferior ovaries
- Group 7Herbaceous angiosperms with superior ovaries and zygomorphic flowers
- Group 8Herbaceous angiosperms with superior ovaries, actinomorphic flowers, and 2 or more distinct carpels
- Group 9Herbaceous angiosperms with superior ovaries, actinomorphic flowers, connate petals, and a solitary carpel or 2 or more connate carpels
- Group 10Herbaceous angiosperms with superior ovaries, actinomorphic flowers, distinct petals or the petals lacking, and 2 or more connate carpels
- You are here:
- Dichotomous Key
- Lamiaceae
See list of 35 genera in this family-
1a. Calyx with a small, but evident, tranverse ridge on the upper side, the upper lip deciduous in fruit [Fig. 704]
1b. Calyx without a protuberance on the upper side, persistent in fruit
2a. Corolla apparently composed of a lower lip only, the upper lip either very small or displaced and part of the lower lip [Figs. 690,706]
3a. Lower lip 5-lobed, the 2 small, lateral lobes representing the laterally displaced lobes of the upper lip; inflorescence elongate, raceme-like, 5–20 cm tall, leafy-bracted only at the base
3b. Lower lip 3- or 4-lobed, the upper lip present, but very small; inflorescence either of verticillasters in the axils of foliage leaves or of flowers in leafy-bracted, spike-like inflorescences 4–8 cm tall
2b. Corolla either clearly zygomorphic and with an evident upper and lower lip or nearly actinomorphic [Figs. 691,694,698]
4a. Flowers with only 2 stamens, the other 2 stamens absent or represented by small staminodes (caution: the pollen sacs are separated by a connective in Salvia, creating the appearance of 4 anthers in some species) [Figs. 692,698]
5a. Corolla yellow to pale yellow, the distal margin of the lower lip fringed [Fig. 692]; inflorescence a terminal panicle
5b. Corolla white, ochroleucous, pink, red to purple, or blue (yellow and spotted with purple in Mondarda punctata), lacking a prominently fringed lower lip; inflorescence of verticillasters in axils of foliage or bracteal leaves, sometimes the verticillasters congested to form a dense cluster of flowers
6a. Calyx strongly zygomorphic; corolla blue to purple-blue (often pale blue to pale purple in Blephilia, which has red-purple to purple spots)
7a. Verticillasters with pedicellate flowers in the axils of foliage leaves; corolla 3–4 mm long
7b. Verticillasters with sessile or short-pedicellate flowers in the axils of reduced, bract-like leaves, sometimes congested and forming terminal clusters of flowers; corolla 8–30 mm long
8a. Inflorescence usually composed of 5–18 or more separate verticillasters of flowers; anthers attached to a narrow connective that is articulated to the filament, the upper end of the connective bearing a single pollen sac, the lower end of the connective either with a deformed pollen sac or without a pollen sac
8b. Inflorescence composed of 1–5 closely crowded verticillasters of flowers, collectively forming dense, terminal clusters; anthers without a narrow connective, with 2 pollen-bearing sacs that are contiguous
6b. Calyx actinomorphic or nearly so; corolla white, ochroleucous, pink, or red to purple (often blue-purple in Monarda fistulosa)
9a. Corolla white, weakly zygomorphic, 1.8–4.4 mm long; flowers in dense but separate verticillasters in the axils of foliage leaves
9b. Corolla only rarely white, strongly zygomorphic, 15–45 mm long; flowers in dense, crowded verticillasters at the tips of the stems and branches [Fig. 701], sometimes also in dense, axillary clusters
10a. Basal, connate portion of the corolla (i.e., the tube) longer than and somewhat concealing the stamens
11a. Inflorescence terminal, spike-like, the flowers subtended by reduced, bract-like leaves and separated by conspicuously shortened internodes relative to the vegetative portion of the stem; leaf blades linear to oblong or lanceolate
12a. Corolla blue to purple, exceeding the calyx in lenth; calyx lobes without awns, the upper lobe with a obcordate appendage at the apex; plants woody near the base
12b. Corolla yellow or black to dark red-brown with yellow on the lower lip, shorter than to approximately equaling the calyx; calyx lobes with prominent awns 1–2 mm long, the upper lobe lacking an appendage; plants herbaceous throughout
11b. Inflorescence axillary, composed of few to many flowers in the axils of foliage leaves and separated by internodes of normal length (only the uppermost flowers with reduced bracts and/or internodes); leaf blades broad-elliptic to cordate-reniform
13a. Stems conspicuously white-tomentose; corolla white; lobes of the calyx numbering 10, with reflexed and spinulose apices; plants from a taproot
13b. Stems retrorse-scabrous, hirsute, or glabrous; corolla blue-purple; lobes of the calyx numbering 5, awned at the apex; plants from rhizomes and stolons (in part)
10b. Basal, connate portion of the corolla shorter than the stamens, the stamens readily visible during anthesis [Figs. 693,705]
14a. Inflorescence axillary, composed of few to many flowers in the axils of foliage leaves and separated by internodes of normal length (only the uppermost flowers with reduced bracts and/or internodes) [Fig. 700]
15a. Calyx actinomorphic or nearly so
16a. Corolla nearly actinomorphic, the 4 or 5 lobes nearly equal in length (i.e., not bilabiate; the upper lobe slightly wider than the others and often emarginate at the apex in Mentha)
17a. Each verticillaster with numerous, crowded flowers; corolla with usually 4 lobes, the upper usually emarginate; ovary lobed to the point of appearing as 4 nearly distinct segments (in part)
17b. Each verticillaster with 2–6 loosely disposed flowers; corolla with 5 lobes; ovary lobed, but the segments clearly connate ca. ⅓ their length (in part)
16b. Corolla zygomorphic, definitely bilabiate
18a. Flowers with short pedicels
19a. Stems prostrate or trailing; each flower bearing axil with (2–) 3 flowers; upper pair of stamens longer than the lower pair (in part)
19b. Stems erect; each flower-bearing axil with 4–8 flowers; upper pair of stamens shorter than the lower pair
18b. Flowers sessile or subsessile
20a. Principal leaf blades palmately lobed; corolla 8–12 mm long, the upper lip conspicuously villous
20b. Leaf blades simple; corolla 10–30 mm long, the upper lip glabrous or sparsely pilose
21a. Apex of sepals terminated by short, stiff spines; anthers dehiscing by latitudinal valves; mericarps broad-obovoid, rounded at the apex; lower lip of the corolla with a pair of projections near the sinuses on the adaxial (i.e., upper) surface [Fig. 694] (in part)
21b. Apex of sepals acuminate, but not spiny; anthers dehiscing by longitudinal valves; mericarps three-angled, truncate or subtruncate at the apex; lower lip of the corolla without a pair of projections near the base of the lobes (in part)
15b. Calyx zygomorphic, with an upper and lower lip
22a. Corolla 4-lobed, nearly actinomorphic, the upper lobe slightly wider than the others and often emarginate at the apex (rarely with 5 subequal lobes) (in part)
22b. Corolla zygomorphic, definitely bilabiate
23a. Upper calyx lip with broad-triangular lobes, the lobes wider than long; corolla white or yellow (rarely becoming pink), the connate portion curved upward; leaf blades ovate to deltate-ovate; plants citrus-scented
23b. Upper calyx lip with narrow-triangular lobes, the lobes longer than wide; corolla pale purple, red-purple, or pink (rarely white), the connate portion straight; leaf blades ovate, elliptic, oblong, or narrower; plants without a citrus scent (in part)
14b. Inflorescence terminal or axillary, spike-like, raceme-like, or panicle-like, the flowers subtended by reduced, bract-like leaves and/or separated by conspicuously shortened internodes relative to the vegetative portion of the stem
24a. Inflorescence an open, panicle-like cyme
25a. Stamens with arcuate-curved filaments [Fig. 707]; leaf blades linear to rhombic-lanceolate; ovary lobed but the segments clearly connate ca. ⅓ their length (in part)
25b. Stamens relatively straight; leaf blades elliptic or ovate to broad-ovate; ovary lobed to the point of appearing as 4 nearly distinct segments
24b. Inflorescence spike-like (sometimes capitate) or raceme-like
26a. Each node of the inflorescence with 2 flowers, 1 each in the axil of a bract
27a. Leaf blades lanceolate or oblanceolate to elliptic, 1–2.5 cm wide, green; petioles absent on all but the lowest leaves; corolla (14–) 16–35 mm long
27b. Leaf blades ovate-oblong to broad-ovate, 2.8–10 cm wide, tinged or suffused with purple; petioles 30–50 mm long; corolla 3–4 mm long
26b. Each node of the inflorescence with 4 or more flowers
28a. Upper lip of the corolla concavely arched, appearing as a small hood (i.e., the corolla galeate) [Figs. 695,705]
29a. Apex of sepals terminated by short, stiff spines; anthers dehiscing by latitudinal valves; lower lip of the corolla with a pair of projections near the sinuses on the adaxial (i.e., upper) surface [Fig. 694] (in part)
29b. Apex of sepals acuminate, but not spiny; anthers dehiscing by longitudinal valves; lower lip of the corolla without a pair of projections near the base of the lobes
30a. Calyx zygomorphic; filaments bifid near the apex, the lower of the tooth-like branches bearing the anther; floral bracts broadly rounded at the apex
30b. Calyx actinomorphic or nearly so; filaments not bifid at the summit; floral bracts obtuse to acuminate at the apex
31a. Inner (i.e., upper) pair of stamens slightly to noticeably longer than the outer pair; calyx with 15 nerves
32a. Corolla 8–12 mm long, usually spotted on the lower lip; upper and lower pair of stamens ± parallel, both ascending under the upper lip of the corolla; anther sacs divergent
32b. Corolla 4–9 mm long, unspotted; upper pair of stamens (i.e., the longer pair) downwardly directed, the lower pair of stamens upwardly oriented; anther sacs ± parallel (in part)
31b. Inner pair of stamens slightly shorter than the outer pair; calyx with 5 or 10 nerves
33a. Median portion of inflorescence with conspicuously reduced bracteal leaf blades compared with the upper vegetative leaves; mericarps ovoid or obloid, rounded to obtusely pointed at the apex
33b. Median portion of the inflorescence with scarcely reduced bracteal leaf blades compared with the upper vegetative leaves; mericarps three-angled, truncate or subtruncate at the apex (in part)
28b. Upper lip of the corolla flat or upwardly curved, not hood-like [Fig. 691]
34a. Stamens, at least the longer pair, upwardly curved, closely ascending under the upper corolla lip and not surpassing it [Fig. 691]
35a. Uppermost lobe of the calyx wider than the other 4; calyx with 15 nerves; floral bracts spinose-serrate at least near the base (entire in D. thymiflorum)
35b. Upper 3 lobes of the calyx differing from the other 2; calyx with 10–13 nerves; floral bracts entire to crenate-serrate
36a. Corolla 5–7 mm long; leaf blades linear to narrow-oblanceolate; each flower subtended by minute bracts shorter than the calyx; plants annual, without stolons, 1–3 dm tall
36b. Corolla 12–15 mm long; leaf blades narrow-ovate or ovate to ovate-oblong; each flower subtended by ciliate, linear-subulate bracts about as long as the calyx; plants perennial from short stolons, 2–5 dm tall (in part)
34b. Stamens individually straight or nearly so, at least the longer pair protruding from the corolla (except in carpellate plants of Mentha, which have smaller flowers and included anthers) [Fig. 693]
37a. Middle lobe of upper calyx lip suborbicular, with winged margins that are decurrent on the calyx tube, forming a concave cap over the top of the calyx; corolla with a 4-lobed upper lip and a single-lobed lower lip
37b. Middle, upper lobe of the calyx subulate to triangular, not forming a cap over the entire calyx; corolla nearly actinomorphic or zygomorphic and then with a 3-lobed lower lip
38a. Leaf blades with entire margins
39a. Plants diffusely branched, mat-forming; leaf blades 5–10 mm long; calyx pubescent inside the connate tube
39b. Plants upright; leaf blades 10–95 mm long; calyx ± glabrous inside the connate tube
40a. Calyx 10- to 13-nerved; anthers with parallel pollen sacs; verticillasters with densely crowded flowers, forming capitate cymes at the apex of the stems and branches (in part)
40b. Calyx 15-nerved; anthers with divergent pollen sacs; verticillasters with 3–7 flowers in the axils of bracts, forming a terminal, spike-like inflorescence
38b. Leaf blades with toothed margins
41a. Inflorescence secund [Fig. 693]; anthers with divergent pollen sacs; plants annual, without rhizomes
41b. Inflorescence not secund; anthers with ± parallel pollen sacs; plants rhizomatous perennials (sometimes from a woody caudex in Agastache)
42a. Corolla nearly actinomorphic, the lower lip unspotted (in part)
42b. Corolla zygomorphic, the lower lip spotted with purple in commonly observed species
43a. Calyx 15-nerved; upper lip of corolla somewhat convex and subgaleate; lower lip of corolla unspotted (in part)
43b. Calyx 10- to 13-nerved; upper lip of corolla relatively flat or upwardly curved, not forming a hood; lower lip of corolla commonly spotted with purple (in part)
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Each photo represents one genus in this family.