What’s a dichotomous key?
- Group 1Lycophytes, Monilophytes
- Group 2Gymnosperms
- Group 3Monocots
- Group 4Woody angiosperms with opposite or whorled leaves
- Group 5Woody angiosperms with alternate leaves
- Group 6Herbaceous angiosperms with inferior ovaries
- Group 7Herbaceous angiosperms with superior ovaries and zygomorphic flowers
- Group 8Herbaceous angiosperms with superior ovaries, actinomorphic flowers, and 2 or more distinct carpels
- Group 9Herbaceous angiosperms with superior ovaries, actinomorphic flowers, connate petals, and a solitary carpel or 2 or more connate carpels
- Group 10Herbaceous angiosperms with superior ovaries, actinomorphic flowers, distinct petals or the petals lacking, and 2 or more connate carpels
- You are here:
- Dichotomous Key
- Fabaceae
See list of 55 genera in this familyReference: Isely (1998).
1a. Leaf blades simple or reduced to a tendril
2a. Plants armed by means of reduced, spine-tipped phyllodes; legume mostly enclosed in the persistent calyx
2b. Vegetative portions of plants unarmed; fruit visible most of its length
3a. Leaf blade reduced to a tendril; flowers solitary (rarely paired) on slender peduncles (in part)
3b. Leaf blade broad, not tendril-like; flowers arranged in racemes, fascicles, or umbels
4a. Leaf blade obovate to narrow-obovate, gradually tapering toward the base into the petiole; legume spirally coiled, armed with thin prickles along the outer surface of the spiral
4b. Leaf blades linear to lanceolate or elliptic, or elliptic to broad-cordate-ovate, either sessile or rather abruptly transitioning from blade to petiole; fruit not spirally coiled (but curved in Coronilla), without prickles
5a. Plants herbaceous, annual; fruits plump, ± terete in cross-section
6a. Stipules adnate to the stem forming conspicuous, decurrent wings [Fig. 634]; corolla 9–11 mm long; fruit a legume, very inflated, straight
6b. Stipules not adnate to the stem (though connate to each other), not forming decurrent wings; corolla 4–8 mm long; fruit a schizocarp, not bladder-like, curved (in part)
5b. Plants woody, perennial; legumes compressed
7a. Leaves without petioles, the blades elliptic to lanceolate; flowers serotinous, with a yellow corolla; legume 1.5–3 cm long
7b. Leaves with petioles, the blades broad-cordate-ovate; flowers precocious, with a deep pink corolla; legume 6–10 cm long
1b. Leaf blades compound (sometimes the upper 1-foliate in Cytisus)
9a. Plants definitely woody
10a. Leaf blade surface with minute, glandular dots; corolla with 1 petal––the banner petal
10b. Leaf blade surface without glandular dots; corolla with 5 petals (note: the 2 lower petals fused to form the keel and thus the corolla appearing as 4 petals in Caragana, Cladrastis, Colutea, Robinia, and Wisteria)
11a. Plants lianas; petals blue, blue-purple, or purple (rarely white or pink)
11b. Plants trees or shrubs; petals largely or wholly white, yellow, or pink to red-purple
12a. Leaves bipinnately compound with strongly asymmetrical leafules, the midvein of the leafule at or near one margin [Fig. 630]; each flower with numerous stamens
12b. Leaves pinnately or bipinnately compound, when bipinnately compound with ± symmetrical leafules, the midvein of the leafules aligned along the center of the blade; each flower with 5–10 stamens
13a. Perianth actinomorphic; stamens distinct, with versatile anthers; legume (6–) 8–40 (–50) cm long; leaves pinnately or bipinnately compound
14a. Leaves all bipinnate, with petioles 20–40 mm long and entire leafules; hypanthium 6–10 mm long; legume (6–) 8–15 (–25) cm long
14b. Leaves pinnate on spurs and bipinnate on new, terminal growth, with petioles up to 20 mm and obscurely crenate leaflets or leafules (depending on division of blade); hypanthium 3–5 mm long; legume 15–40 (–50) cm long
13b. Perianth zygomorphic; stamens diadelphous (distinct in Cladrastis), with basifixed anthers; legume 4–10 cm long; leaves pinnately compound
15a. Leaflets alternately arranged along the rachis, (4–) 6–15 (–20) cm long
15b. Leaflets oppositely or suboppositely arranged along the rachis [Fig. 632], 1–6 cm long
16a. Leaves paripinnate [Fig. 632]; inflorescence a fascicle with 2–4 flowers; winter bud not concealed by petiole base
16b. Leaves imparipinnate [Fig. 649]; inflorescence a raceme with 2–20 (or more) flowers; winter bud concealed within or surrounded by base of petiole
17a. Corolla yellow; legume very inflated; calyx with subequal lobes
17b. Corolla white or pink to pink-purple; legume flat; calyx ± bilabiate
9b. Plants herbaceous
18a. Some or all of the filaments distally widened; inflorescence a dense umbel (a solitary, peduncled flower in Lotus unifoliatus) [Fig. 650]
19a. Inflorescence subtended by palmately lobed bracts; terminal leaflet usually considerably longer than the adjacent lateral leaflets; fruit enclosed in the calyx
19b. Inflorescence without palmately lobed bracts; terminal leaflet of ± similar length to the adjacent lateral leaflets; fruit much longer than the calyx and visible most or all of its length
20a. Corolla yellow (later becoming orange marked with red); leaf blades appearing to have 5 leaflets, the basal 2, which are actually stipules, separated from the apical 3; fruit a legume
20b. Corolla pink and/or white; leaf blades with 11–25 evenly spaced leaflets; fruit a schizocarp
21a. Schizocarp terete or angled, not flat, 20–50 mm long, weakly constricted between the seeds; calyx zygomorphic; corolla 10–15 mm long, usually pink and white; plants perennial
21b. Schizocarp ± flat, 10–25 mm long, strongly constricted between the seeds; calyx nearly actinomorphic; corolla 6–8 mm long, usually pink with purple lines; plants annual
18b. All of the filaments slender, not dilated near the apex; inflorescence a raceme, spike, or a solitary flower
22a. Leaves paripinnate (i.e., the terminal leaflet absent or modified into a tendril) [Figs. 640,641,656]
23a. Leaves with 30–60 leaflets (the upper leaves with fewer leaflets); fruit 10–20 cm long, transversely septate
23b. Leaves with 2–22 leaflets; fruit 0.6–9 cm long (5–20 (–30) cm in Vicia faba, a rare escape), not transversely septate
24a. Androecium monadelphous; anthers dimorphic—alternately obloid and globose; fruit developing underground, indehiscent, with a fibrous-reticulate pericarp; tendrils lacking
24b. Androecium diadelphous; anthers monomorphic; fruit developing above ground, dehiscent, the pericarp not fibrous-reticulate; tendrils present (absent in Vicia faba)
25a. Stipules foliaceous, ± as large as or larger than the leaflets; style longitudinally folded
25b. Stipules small to prominent, usually smaller than the leaflets [Figs. 640,641]; style not longitudinally folded
26a. Calyx lobes all 2–4 times as long as the basal, connate portion; legume 10–14 ×5–9 mm, with 1 or 2 seeds
26b. Calyx lobes (or at least some of them) less than 2 times as long as the basal, connate portion; legume 6–300 mm long, when less than 14 mm long only 3–5 mm wide, with 2–15 or more seeds
27a. Styles slightly widened and flattened in the apical portion, pubescent along the distal, inner surface; wing petals essentially free from the keel petals; leaves with 2–12 leaflets 15–80 mm long; stems winged in some species (in part)
27b. Styles filiform-terete, pubescent in a ring around the apex, or on the outer surface, or glabrous; wing petals cohering to the keel petals; leaves with 4–22 leaflets 5–35 mm long (40–100 mm in V. faba); stems angled or ridged, but not winged
28a. Sepals distinct; stamens distinct or shortly connate near base [Fig. 633]; uppermost petal internal to the adjacent lateral petals in bud; petioles (or rachises in 1 species) with 1 or more prominent glands on the adaxial surface
29a. Stipules longitudinally striate; pedicels subtended by two bracteoles; stamens with well-formed anthers; legume elastically dehiscent, not transversely septate
29b. Stipules without longitudinal striae; pedicels ebracteate; upper 3 stamens without well-formed anthers; legume indehiscent or inertly dehiscent, with transverse septa
28b. Sepals connate; stamens monadelphous or diadelphous; uppermost petal external to the adjacent lateral petals in bud; petiole lacking prominent, adaxial glands
30a. Leaf blades with minute glandular scales or dots (at least on one surface)
31a. Wing petals tiny, much shorter than keel; legume 1-seeded, woody, prominently rugose with raised veins, the lower margin toothed
31b. Wing petals larger, at least ½ as long as the keel; legume with 1 or more seeds, membranaceous to coriaceous, not prominently rugose, lacking teeth on the lower margin (but covered in uncinate prickles in Glycyrrhiza)
32a. Inflorescence a raceme with pale yellow flowers; wing and keel petals attached to the receptacle; stamens concealed in intact flowers; fruit 12–15 mm long, armed with uncinate prickles
32b. Inflorescence a dense, obloid to cylindrical spike with white to blue-purple flowers; wing and keel petals attached laterally or apically to the basal, connate portion of the stamens; stamens shortly exserted and visible; fruit 2.5–3 mm long, unarmed
30b. Leaf blades without glandular scales or dots
33a. Leaves with 5–7 leaflets; corolla purple-brown; climbing or trailing vines with tuberous rhizomes
33b. Leaves with 7–31 leaflets; corolla purple or white; upright to decumbent herbs, but not trailing, without tuberous rhizomes
34a. Leaflets coarsely serrate near apex; fruit stipitate-glandular
34b. Leaflets entire; fruit not stipitate-glandular
35a. Racemes terminal or opposite the leaves; corolla distinctly bicolored—the banner petal yellow to ochroleucous, the wing and keel petals pink to pale purple; style barbellate
35b. Racemes axillary; corolla not bicolored, purple with varying degress of pink, red, or blue tinting, or white to ochroleucous; style not barbellate
36a. Stipules semisagittate to hastate (i.e., with 1 or 2 basal lobes); fruit 30–50 mm long, longitudinally striate
36b. Stipules without basal lobes; fruit 5–30 (–35) mm long, without longitudinal striae
37a. Fruit a schizocarp with 2–5 mericarps; raceme secund in flower
37b. Fruit a legume; raceme spirally arranged in flower
38a. Keel obtusely to acutely pointed; plants with short, but evident, stems; leaflets 1.3–3.5 times as long as wide (4–5 times as long as wide in A. eucosmus)
38b. Keel abruptly short-pointed; plants acaulescent or nearly so; leaflets 3.5–6 times as long as wide
39a. Plants definitely woody
40a. Branchlets 4- or 5-angled; inflorescence composed of solitary or paired flowers in the axils of the upper leaves; legume pubescent only on the margin
40b. Branchlets terete; inflorescence a pendulous raceme 15–25 cm long; legume pubescent over the surface
39b. Plants herbaceous or sub-woody
41a. Leaves palmately compound with 7–17 leaflets; androecium with monadelphous filaments and dimorphic anthers—one type of anther subglobose and versatile, the other linear and basifixed
41b. Leaves pinnately or palmately compound with 3 or fewer leaflets; androecium with distinct or diadelphous filaments (monadelphous in Hylodesmum and submonadelphous in Pueraria) and monomorphic anthers
42a. Leaflets toothed, at least minutely in the apical portion [Fig. 653]
43a. Stipules entire, 1-nerved, the distinct portion 8 or more times as long as wide; inflorescence (1–) 4–20 cm tall during anthesis, usually 4–15 times as tall as wide [Fig. 647]
43b. Stipules entire or toothed, 2- or 3-nerved, the distinct portion commonly less than 8 times as long as wide; inflorescence 0.3–10 cm tall, rarely exceeding 3 times as tall as wide
44a. Leaflets all with petiolules of ± similar length (in part)
44b. Terminal leaflet on a petiolule distinctly longer than the petiolules of the lateral leaflets [Fig. 653]
45a. Calyx actinomorphic; fruit curved to coiled as many as 7 times (rarely straight in M. falcata) [Fig. 645]
45b. Calyx zygomorphic; fruit straight or slightly curved
46a. Corolla marcescent; 5 or all of the filaments dilated near the apex; legume shorter than 10 mm, included or barely exserted from the persistent calyx (in part)
46b. Corolla deciduous; all the filaments slender at the apex; legume 10–16 mm long, long-exserted from the persistent calyx
42b. Leaflets entire or sometimes with 1–3 lobes in Pueraria and Strophostyles
47a. Leaves paripinnate, the terminal leaflet modified into a tendril (in part)
47b. Leaves imparipinnate, the terminal leaflet present
48a. Terminal leaflet much larger than the orbicular to reniform lateral leaflets (i.e., usually more than 2.5 times as long); fruit a schizocarp, prominently curved, without uncinate hairs (in part)
48b. Terminal leaflet not or only somewhat larger than the lateral leaflets (i.e., usually less than 1.5 times as long, sometimes much larger in a few species of Desmodium and Hylodesmum, but those species with narrower lateral leaflets); fruit a schizocarp with uncinate hairs or a legume, ± straight
49a. Stamens distinct; corolla yellow (white to yellow-white or light-purple to blue-purple in some Baptisia)
50a. Petioles 10–25 mm long; legume strongly compressed, 40–80 mm long; ovary sessile or borne on a stipe up to 3 mm long in fruit
50b. Petioles 2–10 mm long, becoming nearly obsolete on upper leaves; legume turgid or inflated, 7–50 (–60) mm long; ovary stipitate, the stipe 5–15 mm long in fruit
49b. Stamens diadelphous, 9 stamens connate into a group with 1 separate stamen (monadelphous in Hylodesmum and submonadelphous in Pueraria); corolla pink to purple, white, or yellow-white
51a. Leaflets without stipels [Fig. 639]; ovary with 1 ovule, maturing as a 1-seeded, indehiscent fruit
52a. Petiolule of terminal leaflet clearly longer than the petiolules of the lateral leaflets (i.e., the leaves pinnately compound); stipules subulate or setaceous, not striate; calyx lobes acuminate; plants perennial
52b. Petiolule of terminal leaflet ± the same length as the petiolules of the lateral leaflets (i.e., the leaves palmately compound); stipules narrow-ovate, striate [Fig. 639]; calyx lobes blunt; plants annual
51b. Leaflets usually with stipels [Fig. 638]; ovary with 2 or more ovules, maturing as a fruit with 2 or more seeds ( Amphicarpaea also producing more or less apetalous flowers from near the base of the plant with 1 ovule)
53a. Fruit a schizocarp; plants erect or ascending (prostrate in Desmodium rotundifolium)
54a. Stamens monadelphous; distinct portion of the calyx (i.e., the lobes) less than 50% as long as the connate portion (i.e., the tube); lower margin of schizocarp deeply incised such that the sinuses extend completely to the upper suture; schizocarp borne on a stipe exceeding the length of the persistent stamens, glabrous on the upper suture
54b. Stamens diadelphous; distinct portion of the calyx more than 50% as long as the connate portion; lower margin of schizocarp moderately incised such that the sinuses do not extend the entire distance to the upper suture; schizocarp borne on a stipe that is shorter than the persistent stamens, uncinate-pubescent on the upper suture
53b. Fruit a legume; plants trailing, twining, or climbing (i.e., vines; with upright stems in Glycine and sometimes in Phaseolus vulgaris)
55a. Bracts of pedicels obtuse to rounded at the apex; flowers without subtending bracteoles; plants with dimorphic flowers—petaliferous flowers with 10 diadelphous stamens and maturing as a 3- or 4-seeded aerial fruit, and more or less apetalous flowers with fewer than 10 distinct stamens and maturing as a 1-seeded, often subterranean, fruit
55b. Bracts of pedicels acute at the apex; flowers with closely subtending bracteoles that overlap the calyx (caution: the bracteoles caducous in Pueraria); plants with monomorphic, petaliferous flowers
56a. Corollas 5–7 mm long; plants upright; inflorescence a raceme
56b. Corollas 8–25 mm long (as short as 3.6 mm in the very rare introduction Strophostyles leiosperma); plants vining (sometimes upright in Phaseolus vulgaris); inflorescence a pseudoraceme (i.e., with 2 or more flowers produced from some nodes)
57a. Keel petal relatively straight; style glabrous; leaflets ovate to suborbicular, 0.8–1.2 times as long as wide
57b. Keel petal conspicuously arched or coiled inward; style pubescent; leaflets lanceolate or narrow-elliptic to ovate or rhombic, 1–8 (–10) times as long as wide
58a. Plants pubescent with hairs that are not hooked at the tip and are visible at low magnification; some leaflets often with a lateral lobe on one or both sides; calyx with 4 lobes due to fusion of 2 lobes; keel petals arched inward [Fig. 651]; inflorescence capitate, spike-like
58b. Plants with minute, uncinate hairs (note: view at 20 × or higher magnification); leaflets unlobed; calyx with 5 lobes; keel petals coiled inward [Fig. 648]; inflorescence elongate, raceme-like
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Each photo represents one genus in this family.