Page 5: 51 results for Lysimachia
Question: Starflower and a type of club moss? Lycopodium ??. some sphagnum moss … Lysimachia borealis (starflower), a native member of the Myrsinaceae. If you get closer photographs of the individual plants I can help further. Best wishes.
Question: I believe this is a kind of Triadenum but I don't know … Lysimachia terrestris (swamp yellow-loosestrife). The red-brown bulbils in the axils of the leaves is a good characteristic. While this species has minute dots on the leaves, they are dark (not t...
Question: Collected by a friend in peaty wetland on Vinalhaven. Herbaceous, opposite leaves, … Lysimachia terrestris (swamp yellow-loosestrife). The brown structures you are describing are bulblets that are capable of vegetative reproduction. They are frequently present and are a useful id...
Question: My daughter-in-law gave me this transplant last year from her lake cabin …
...photographed Lysimachia punctata (large yellow-loosestrife), a species that is often cultivated and sometimes escapes. The species is native to Europe, and we find it sometimes around old home sites ...
Question: Seek id’ this as green-dragon/Arisaema dracontium. I’ve not seen it before this … Lysimachia borealis (starflower; formerly known as Trientalis borealis). This is a common, native, forest understory herb in New England. The plant you were thinking of is found in rich, moist so...
Question: I apologize for the less-than-great image quality, but I found these tiny … Lysimachia arvensis (synonym: Anagallis arvensis), called scarlet pimpernel. The one of the right appears to be a species of Veronica, called speedwell. I can't tell you which one because...
Family: Myrsinaceae (marlberry family)
...Genera: Lysimachia Key To This Family's Genera
Primulaceae: Dichotomous Key
... Lysimachia, and Trientalis to the Myrsinaceae and Samolus to the Theophrastaceae). 1a. Plants aquatic; leaf blades narrowly dissected [Fig. 806]; peduncles and axe...
Other herbaceous, flowering plants with opposite, whorled or no leaves: All other flowering non-woody plants: Simple Key
...water-horehound. Lysimachia arvensis. scarlet pimpernel. Lysimachia ciliata. fringed yellow-loosestrife. Lysimachia hybrida. lowland yellow-loosestrife. Lysimachia numm...
All other herbaceous, flowering dicots: All other flowering non-woody plants: Simple Key
...water-horehound. Lysimachia arvensis. scarlet pimpernel. Lysimachia borealis. starflower. Lysimachia ciliata. fringed yellow-loosestrife. Lysimachia clethroides. go...