Page 5: 52 results for Galium
Question: I know this is a bedstraw. Wondering if it is rough bedstraw. …
...photographed Galium aparine (scratch bedstraw), a native species of bedstraw that occurs in a variety of habitats. The narrow leaves in whorls of 8 (usually, sometimes only 6 per whorl) and very scab...
Question: Hello, Wondering who this lovely, diminutive fern with the dark midrib might …
...of Galium (?). Maidenhair fern? Moshassuck River Preserve, Lincoln, RI. Thanks! Answer: Dear sldz22, you have photographed Asplenium platyneuron (ebony spleenwort), a relatively uncommon fern, often ...
Question: Hello ive found this plant and TONS of it. Ive been told …
Question: Hello ive found this plant and TONS of it. Ive been told that it is bedstraw or cleavers. But it isnt sticky like it says bedstraw is. Ive searched all the plants in the galium family and i ...
Rubiaceae: Dichotomous Key
... Galium) [Figs. 877, 879]; fruit dry, schizocarpic, consisting of 2 indehiscent, 1-seeded carpels [Figs. 876, 881]; corolla glabrous (pubescent on the abaxial surface in Galium circ...
Question: A Few Things I Noticed While Walking Through A Forest In Southern …
...are Galium aparine (scratch bedstraw). The tenth and eleventh images are Euonymus alatus (winged spindle-tree). I hope that helps.
Asperula arvensis (blue woodruff)
...genus Galium, but its bright blue flowers give it away (bedstraw flowers are white). Habitat: anthropogenic (man-made or disturbed habitats), meadows and fields All Characteristics: Ne...
Other herbaceous, flowering plants with opposite, whorled or no leaves: All other flowering non-woody plants: Simple Key
...hemp-nettle. Galium album. white bedstraw. Galium aparine. scratch bedstraw. Galium asprellum. rough bedstraw. Galium boreale. northern bedstraw. Galium brevip...
Rubia tinctoria (madder)
...oblong-elliptic).: Galium verum Family: Rubiaceae Genus: Rubia
All other herbaceous, flowering dicots: All other flowering non-woody plants: Simple Key
...hemp-nettle. Galium album. white bedstraw. Galium aparine. scratch bedstraw. Galium asprellum. rough bedstraw. Galium boreale. northern bedstraw. Galium brevip...
Group 6: Herbaceous angiosperms with inferior ovaries: Dichotomous Key
... Galium), connate or not, sepaloid (petaloid sepals in Aizoaceae and petaloid tepals in Comandraceae), not red-brown 11a. Plants aquatic 12a. Plants with a rosette of f...