What’s a dichotomous key?
- Group 1Lycophytes, Monilophytes
- Group 2Gymnosperms
- Group 3Monocots
- Group 4Woody angiosperms with opposite or whorled leaves
- Group 5Woody angiosperms with alternate leaves
- Group 6Herbaceous angiosperms with inferior ovaries
- Group 7Herbaceous angiosperms with superior ovaries and zygomorphic flowers
- Group 8Herbaceous angiosperms with superior ovaries, actinomorphic flowers, and 2 or more distinct carpels
- Group 9Herbaceous angiosperms with superior ovaries, actinomorphic flowers, connate petals, and a solitary carpel or 2 or more connate carpels
- Group 10Herbaceous angiosperms with superior ovaries, actinomorphic flowers, distinct petals or the petals lacking, and 2 or more connate carpels
- You are here:
- Dichotomous Key
- Poaceae
- Poaceae Group 10
Poaceae Group 10
See list of 19 genera in this group-
1a. Plants monoecious, the carpellate and staminate inflorescences or portions of inflorescences clearly different from one another; glumes absent, highly reduced, or collapsed (i.e., not evident); robust, annual grasses 1–5 (–6) m tall
2a. Each inflorescence with 2 types of flowers, the staminate positioned below the carpellate; carpellate spikelets with elongate awns; aquatic grasses
2b. Each inflorescence with only 1 type of flower, the carpellate inflorescences axillary, the staminate inflorescences terminal; carpellate spikelets lacking awns; cultivated grasses
1b. Plants synoecious or polygamous, the inflorescence with at least some (or entirely of) bisexual flowers; glumes present (though sometimes the lower one absent); short to tall, annual or perennial grasses 0.15–2.5 (–3) m tall
4a. Spikelets at maturity with 1 pair of lemmas and paleas indurate and lustrous, of much firmer texture than the glumes
5b. Spikelets not subtended by bristles; inflorescence an open to dense panicle
6a. Upper leaves (or all the leaves) without ligules (in part)
6b. Leaves with ligules of hairs, membranes, or ciliate membranes
8a. Spikelets lanceoloid to ellipsoid; upper (i.e., fertile) lemma somewhat indurate, firm but flexible, the margin with a hyaline border and flat (in part)
8b. Spikelets ovoid or obovoid to spherical; upper lemma prominently indurate, rigid to the edges and lacking a hyaline border, the very edges slightly involute
7b. Panicle branches rebranched (at least the lower ones) or not secund or usually both [Figs. 216,246,247]
9a. Plants with both aerial and subterranean inflorescences, only the subterranean ones producing fruits; lower glumes absent
9b. Plants with only aerial inflorescences, at least some spikelets producing fruits; lower glumes present, though sometimes very small
10a. Upper (i.e., fertile) lemma somewhat indurate, firm but flexible, the margin with a hyaline border and flat (in part)
10b. Upper lemma prominently indurate, rigid to the edges and lacking a hyaline border, the very edges slightly involute
11a. Upper lemma transversely rugose; panicle branches spike-like, secund, with a triquetrous axis
11b. Upper lemma not transversely rugose (verrucose in Panicum verrucosum, but the warts not aligned in rows); panicle branches open-branched to highly congested, not secund (+/- secund in Sorengia), without a triquetrous axis
12a. Inflorescence dense, spike-like, concealing at least the apical ½ of the inflorescence rachis; pedicels with a disk-like apex; upper glume saccate at base
12b. Inflorescence an open to somewhat congested panicle, the inflorescence rachis visible; pedicels not or barely thickened at apex, not disk-like; upper glume not saccate
13a. Basal leaves lanceolate to ovate, of distinctly different shape and/or length than the stem leaves and forming an overwintering rosette (elongate and similar to stem leaves in 2 species); many species producing branches from the lower and middle stem nodes in summer, these sometimes rebranching; reduced secondary panicles produced bearing cleistogamous flowers and often partly concealed by subtending leaves; plants perennial
13b. Basal leaves linear to lanceolate, similar to the stem leaves, not forming an overwintering rosette; many species not producing branches from the lower and middle nodes, or branches produced but not rebranched; secondary panicles similar to the terminal panicles, chasmogamous; plants annual or perennial
14a. Spikelets borne on short pedicels mostly 0.5–1.5 mm long, ± secund [Fig. 271]; leaf sheaths strongly compressed; apex of lemma and palea of upper floret lacking papillae
14b. Spikelets borne on pedicels (0.5–) 1–20 mm long, not secund; leaf sheaths ± terete or compressed in P. dichotomiflorum; apex of lemma and palea of upper floret with simple or compound papillae
4b. Spikelets with soft to firm lemmas, the lemmas dull and not conspicuously indurate
15a. Spikelet with an upper bisexual, fertile floret and a lower inconspicuous, sterile floret, articulated below the glumes, the entire spikelet falling and leaving the pedicel behind; upper glume and lower lemma usually of ± similar appearance and texture (in part)
15b. Spikelet with 1 bisexual, fertile floret, articulated above the glumes, the floret falling leaving the empty glumes behind; upper glume and lemma not of similar appearance and texture
16a. Lemmas 1-veined, unawned; ligule of hairs (in part)
16b. Lemmas 3-veined, awned in most species; ligule a membrane (in part)
17a. Upper leaves (or all the leaves) without ligules (in part)
17b. Leaves with ligules of hairs, membranes, or ciliate membranes
18a. Lemmas with 3 awns at the apex; plants annual (or perennial in 2 species) (in part)
18b. Lemmas with a single awn from the apex; plants perennial
19a. Lemmas indurate and lustrous, conspicuously firmer than the glumes, pilose over the abaxial surface (only in the basal ⅓ in Piptochaetium); awn of lemma articulated, persistent or eventually deciduous
20a. Lemma awn 45–70 mm long; spikelets 9–13 mm long excluding the awns; lemmas with 3 distinct zones—villous in basal ⅓, glabrous in the middle, and scabrous near the apex [Fig. 255]
20b. Lemma awn 0.5–14 mm long; spikelets 3.5–9 mm long excluding the awns; lemmas sparsely to densely pubescent ± throughout
21a. Panicle open to somewhat congested, the branches spreading to ascending, each branch usually bearing 2 or more spikelets; uppermost leaf blades well-developed, 1–35 cm long; basal leaves deciduous (in part)
21b. Panicle very narrow, raceme-like, with appressed branches, each branch usually bearing a single spikelet; uppermost leaf blades absent or with a blade shorter than 1 cm; basal leaves evergreen (in part)
19b. Lemmas firm, but not indurate, dull, glabrous or scaberulous, pubescent only on the nerves or callus if at all (minutely pubescent between the nerves in some Muhlenbergia); awn of lemma not articulated, persistent
22a. First glume diminutive or obsolete; rachilla prolonged, located near the abaxial surface of the palea and appearing as a minute bristle; plants with rhizomes
22b. First glume present and evident (except in M. schreberi, which lacks rhizomes); rachilla not prolonged; plants with or without rhizomes (in part)
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Each photo represents one genus in this subgroup.