What’s a dichotomous key?
- Group 1Lycophytes, Monilophytes
- Group 2Gymnosperms
- Group 3Monocots
- Group 4Woody angiosperms with opposite or whorled leaves
- Group 5Woody angiosperms with alternate leaves
- Group 6Herbaceous angiosperms with inferior ovaries
- Group 7Herbaceous angiosperms with superior ovaries and zygomorphic flowers
- Group 8Herbaceous angiosperms with superior ovaries, actinomorphic flowers, and 2 or more distinct carpels
- Group 9Herbaceous angiosperms with superior ovaries, actinomorphic flowers, connate petals, and a solitary carpel or 2 or more connate carpels
- Group 10Herbaceous angiosperms with superior ovaries, actinomorphic flowers, distinct petals or the petals lacking, and 2 or more connate carpels
- You are here:
- Dichotomous Key
- Brassicaceae
See list of 42 genera in this familyMatthiola incana (L.) Ait. was reported from VT by Atwood et al. (1973); however, the specimen was collected from a cultivated plant (Blanchard collection at HNH). Isatis tinctoria L. was once collected from a garden setting in MA, where it was reported as "spontaneous"; however, the specimen (at GH) is not taken as evidence of naturalization. Reference: Rollins (1993).
1a. Fruit a silicle (i.e., fruit up to 3 times as long as wide), elliptic or oblong to suborbicular or obtriangular in outline, sometimes with a notch or sinus at the base and/or apex [Figs. 506,521,531]
2a. Silicle indehiscent or tardily dehiscent, containing 1–4 (–5) seeds, inflated, corky, or spongy at least between the seeds (firm in Neslia)
3a. Plants pubescent in part with branched hairs; petals 1–2.5 mm long
4a. Silicle evidently reticulate-textured, glabrous, tipped by the slender, persistent, uncurved style; petals yellow, 2–2.5 mm long; leaves auriculate clasping
4b. Silicle not reticulate-textured, pubescent with both branched and unbranched, white hairs, with an apical beak that curves away from the inflorescence rachis; petals white, 1–1.3 mm long; leaves petiolate or sessile, but not clasping
3b. Plants glabrous or pubescent entirely with unbranched hairs; petals 3–20 mm long
5a. Silicle 2.5–3 mm long; leaves auriculate-clasping; plants perennial (in part)
5b. Silicle 6–60 mm long; leaves not auriculate-clasping; plants annual
6a. Petals 15–20 mm long; silicle 30–60 mm long; plants from a fleshy, elongated taproot (in part)
6b. Petals 5–10 mm long, sometimes reduced in Cakile and bristle-like; silicle 6–25 mm long; plants not from a fleshy, enlarged taproot
7a. Petals pale purple to purple or white; leaf blades glabrous; upper segment of fruit lanceoloid to ovoid, without a terminal beak or with a stocky beak [Fig. 510] (in part)
7b. Petals yellow; leaf blades hirsute; upper segment of fruit subglobose, terminated by a slender beak 1–4 mm long (in part)
2b. Silicle dehiscent, containing 2–many seeds, appearing inflated or not
8a. Silicle compressed at right angles to the septum, the septum therefore much narrower than the width of the fruit [Fig. 531]
9a. Leaves subulate, not flat, all basal [Fig. 530]; plants aquatic, frequently in submerged populations that become emergent as water levels decline
9b. Leaves not subulate, definitely flat, not confined to the base of the plant except in Teesdalia; plants terrestrial weeds
10a. Silicle with 2 seeds
10b. Silicle with 4 or more seeds
12a. Outer two petal larger than the inner two; median filaments with a white scale at the base; plants scapose
12b. Petals all of similar size; median filaments without a basal scale; plants with leafy stems
13a. Silicle oval to orbicular to outline, wing-margined, rounded to broad-cuneate at the base, conspicuously retuse at the apex [Fig. 531]; plants glabrous or pubescent with unbranched hairs
13b. Silicle obtriangular to obtriangular-cordate in outline, not wing-margined, cuneate at the base, convex to slightly concave at the apex; plants pubescent with branched hairs
8b. Silicle either not compressed or compressed parallel to the septum, in either case the septum as wide as the fruit
14a. Silicle thin and flat, 20–35 mm wide, borne on a gynophore longer than 10 mm [Fig. 523]; stem leaf blades ovate to deltate; petals blue-purple
14b. Silicle compressed to plump, narrower than 6 mm, either sessile at the end of the pedicel or on a very short gynophore; stem leaf blades usually narrower or absent; petals white or yellow (sometimes tinged with purple in Lobularia)
15b. Petals entire at the apex or slightly retuse (deeply notched in Draba verna, a small, scapose annual); fruiting pedicels spreading to ascending; seeds unwinged (winged in Aurinia)
16a. Silicle irregularly tuberculate, often asymmetrical (i.e., one locule larger than the other); plants frequently with sessile, tubercle-like glands on the leaf blades
16b. Silicle not tuberculate, usually symmetrical; plants without tubercle- like glands
17a. Silicle conspicuously compressed; pubescence, at least in part, of branched hairs
18a. Petals yellow; seeds winged all around
18b. Petals cream to white; seed unwinged
19a. Flower-bearing stems arising from a basal rosette of leaves; silicle lanceolate to narrow-oblong or oblong in outline, 4–20 mm long (in part)
19b. Flower-bearing stems lacking a conspicuous basal rosette; silicle broad-ovate or broad-obovate to orbicular in outline, 2–4 mm long
20a. Plants pubescent with stellate-branched hairs; silicle with a thin, wing-like margin, with seeds aligned in 2 rows in each locule; fruiting pedicels 2–6 mm long
20b. Plants pubescent with 2-pronged hairs; silicle lacking a thin margin, with seeds aligned in 1 row in each locule; fruiting pedicels 5–10 mm long
17b. Silicle with definite, convex valves, scarcely compressed if at all; pubescence, if present, of unbranched hairs (except Camelina with some branched hairs)
21a. Plants pubescent with both unbranched and branched hairs (sometimes subglabrous in C. sativa); leaves conspicuously auriculate-clasping the stem; each valve of the silicle with a thin but visible and often sinuous midnerve
21b. Plants glabrous or pubescent with unbranched hairs; leaves narrowed to the base or auriculate-clasping; each valve of the silicle without a midnerve or with an obscure midnerve
22a. Petals white; leaf blades simple; seeds rarely maturing; silicle with a persistent style tip 0.3 mm long
1b. Fruit a silique (i.e., fruit greater than 3 times as long as wide), narrow-oblong to linear in outline, without a notch or sinus at the base or apex [Figs. 504,507,524]
23a. Silique indehiscent, separating at maturity into 1-seeded segments, prominently corky or spongy, at least between the seeds, or indurate and cross-septate in Chorispora [Figs. 510,524]
24a. Stems and axis of inflorescence conspicuously stipitate-glandular; seeds embedded in cavities of the septum
24b. Stems and axis of inflorescence lacking stipitate glands; seeds not embedded in cavities of the septum
25a. Petals 15–20 mm long; siliques 40–80 mm long, with 4–12 seeds [Fig. 524]; fruiting pedicels 10–25 mm long (in part)
25b. Petals 5–10 mm long, sometimes reduced in Cakile and bristle-like; siliques 6–25 mm long, with 1–3 seeds; fruiting pedicels 1.5–8 mm long
26a. Petals pale purple to purple or white; leaf blades glabrous; upper segment of fruit lanceoloid to ovoid, without a prominent, slender beak (in part)
26b. Petals yellow; leaf blades hirsute; upper segment of fruit subglobose, terminated by a prominent, slender beak 1–4 mm long (in part)
23b. Silique longitudinally dehiscent (with an apical, indehiscent beak in Brassica, Eruca, and Sinapis), the open valves revealing the seeds and septum, generally not corky or spongy, lacking cross-septa [Figs. 504,509,514]
27a. Leaf blades simple, entire or toothed, but lacking pronounced lobes (except for basal lobes in cordate- or sagittate-shaped leaf blades)
29a. Middle stem leaves sessile and sagittate- or auriculate-clasping
30a. Pubescence of basal leaves, when present, comprised entirely of unbranched hairs or, in part, of short-stalked, 2- to 4 (–7)-rayed hairs, the stalks mostly 0.01–0.06 mm long [Fig. 517]; siliques 1–2.5 mm wide (in part)
30b. Pubescence of basal leaves comprised, in part, of long-stalked, 2- to 4-rayed hairs, the stalks mostly 0.12–0.6 mm long [Fig. 518]; siliques 0.8–1.3 mm wide
31a. Petals pale yellow; outer sepals not saccate at base; middle and upper stem leaves glabrous and glaucous; siliques terete
31b. Petals white, sometimes tinged with pink; outer sepals somewhat saccate at base; middle and upper stem leaves pubescent, not glaucous; siliques compressed (in part)
29b. Middle stem leaves narrowed to base, sometimes ± shortly petiolate [Fig. 507]
32a. Petals yellow; siliques pubescent with branched hairs; some of the hairs on the leaf blades malpighiaceous (i.e., hairs 2-pronged, less frequently 3-pronged, mesifixed and appressed to the surface) (in part)
32b. Petals white or pink to purple; siliques glabrous or pubescent in some Draba; hairs of the leaf blades unbranched or branched, but none of them malpighiaceous (except in the rare introduction Arabis procurrens, a species with compressed siliques)
33a. Petals 18–25 mm long, white or pink to purple; compound hairs all forked (i.e., with a stalk and 2 ascending branches)
33b. Petals 2–10 mm long, usually white (infrequently pink or rose- purple); compound hairs with 2 or more ascending to spreading branches (i.e., compound hairs not uniformly forked with ascending branches)
34a. Siliques narrow-lanceolate or narrow-oblong to ovate or obovate in outline, 4–20 (–22) mm long, up to 5 times as long as wide; seeds aligned in 2 rows in each locule (in part)
34b. Siliques linear in outline, 10–100 mm long, more than 5 times as long as wide; seeds aligned in 1 row in each locule
35a. Siliques often torulose; fruiting pedicels (1–) 1.5–6 (–8) mm long
35b. Siliques scarcely, if at all, constricted between the seeds; fruiting pedicels 5–15 mm long
36a. Plants 3–10 dm tall, usually with unbranched stems; siliques 2–3.5 mm wide; seeds winged (in part)
36b. Plants 0.8–4 dm tall, frequently branched at the base or with stolons, producing multiple upright stems; siliques 0.8–1.5 mm wide; seeds without wings (winged in Arabis procurrens)
37a. Primary leaf blades usually with some form of dentition or lobing; siliques 0.8–1 mm wide; petals 2–8 (–10) mm long (in part)
37b. Primary leaf blades usually entire; siliques 1–1.5 mm wide; petals 8–10 mm long; (in part)
28b. Plants glabrous or pubescent entirely with unbranched hairs
38a. Stem leaves conspicuously cordate- or sagittate-clasping at the base
39a. Petals 6–25 (–30) mm long, narrowed to a distinct claw; siliques 2–5 mm wide (in part)
39b. Petals 3–12 mm long, narrowed to the base, but usually without a distinct claw; siliques 1–2.5 (–3.5) mm wide
40a. Plants annual, with entire leaf blades; petals yellow to yellow-white, 7–12 mm long; siliques quadrangular in cross-section; seeds without wings
40b. Plants biennial or perennial, with at least the lower leaf blades toothed to pinnatifid (rarely all entire); petals 3–10 mm long, white (infrequently yellow-white or light purple); siliques compressed; seeds with a partly or completely encircling wing-margin usually wider than 0.2 mm (in part)
41a. At least the basal leaf blades triangular to suborbicular or reniform, broad-rounded to cordate at the base
42a. Basal leaf blades entire or undulate-margined, the stem leaf blades entire, remotely toothed, or lobed; siliques compressed; septum bordered by a thin wing-like replum set perpendicular to the plane of the septum, therefore, the septum and replum combined are I-beam-shaped in cross-section (in part)
42b. Basal and stem leaf blades prominently dentate; siliques somewhat 4-angled in cross-section; replum essentially the same thickness as the septum, the septum and replum combined flat in cross-section
41b. Leaf blades broad-linear or oblanceolate to elliptic, ovate, or obovate, narrowed to the base
43a. Sepals spreading to reflexed [Fig. 527]; siliques with a prominent, apical, indehiscent, conical beak 10–12 mm long (in part)
43b. Sepals erect to ascending; siliques without an apical, indehiscent beak or the beak present and only 1–5 (–6) mm long
44a. Siliques quadrangular, erect (i.e., ± appressed to the axis of the inflorescence); petals narrowed to a distinct claw (in part)
44b. Siliques terete to compressed, spreading to erect; petals narrowed to the base, with or without a distinct claw
45a. Petals yellow; seeds aligned in 2 rows in each locule (in part)
45b. Petals white to pink or light purple; seeds aligned in 1 row in each locule
46a. Siliques 15–35 mm long; septum bordered by a thin wing-like replum set perpendicular to the plane of the septum, therefore, the septum and replum combined are I-beam-shaped in cross-section; dwarf alpine plants 2–10 cm tall (in part)
46b. Siliques 40–100 mm long; replum essentially the same thickness as the septum, the septum and replum combined flat in cross-section; herbs of forests, cliffs, and talus, 10–90 cm tall
47a. Slender plants 10–40 cm tall, frequently branched at the base, producing multiple upright stems; siliques 0.8–1 mm wide; seeds without wings (in part)
47b. Stouter plants 30–100 cm tall, usually with unbranched stems; siliques 2–3.5 mm wide; seeds winged (in part)
27b. At least the lower leaf blades lobed or divided
48a. Principal leaf blades palmately lobed or palmately divided into 3–5 segments; stem gradually narrowing at base to a fragile junction with a swollen, fleshy rhizome (in part)
48b. Principal leaves pinnately lobed or pinnately divided; stems in most genera arising from taproots or fibrous roots, when arising from rhizomes the stem widest at the base and narrowing upward and/or continuous with the rhizome
49a. Plants pubescent, at least in part, with branched hairs
50a. Inflorescence leafy-bracteate, most or all of the pedicels subtended by bracts (in part)
50b. Inflorescence not bracteate, only the lower pedicels, if any, subtended by bracts
51a. Leaf blades 1–3 times pinnately divided; branched hairs dendritic
51b. Leaf blades pinnately lobed; branched hairs malpighiaceous (i.e., hairs 2-pronged, less frequently 3-pronged, mesifixed and appressed to the surface) (in part)
49b. Plants glabrous or pubescent entirely with unbranched hairs
52a. Stem leaves sessile and auriculate-clasping (only the emergent leaves in Nastustium sometimes with auricles at the base of the petiole) [Figs. 505,514]
53a. Petals white and 2–3 mm long or absent; septum bordered by a thin wing-like replum set perpendicular to the plane of the septum, therefore, the septum and replum combined are I-beam-shaped in cross-section (in part)
53b. Petals yellow, or white in Nasturtium and some Boechera, but then 3–7 mm long; replum essentially the same thickness as the septum, the septum and replum combined flat in cross-section
54a. Leaves with pinnately compound blades, the leaflets often petiolulate; plants aquatic, with submersed or floating stems (or prostrate on mud as water levels decline), freely rooting from the nodes (in part)
54b. Middle and upper stem leaves with toothed to pinnately lobed, but not compound, leaf blades, the leaflets connected to each other by at least a wing of tissue along the leaf rachis; plants terrestrial or of wetlands, the stems upright or sometimes prostrate, not or only sparingly rooting from the lower nodes
55a. Petals white to yellow-white; seeds with an encircling wing; siliques wide-spreading to recurved at maturity [Fig. 507] (in part)
55b. Petals yellow; seeds without wings; siliques ascending to spreading
56a. Siliques terminated by an indehiscent beak 7–15 mm long; seeds subglobose (in part)
56b. Siliques without an apical, indehiscent beak, tipped only by a persistent style up to 3 mm long if at all; seeds oblong to quadrate or cordiform (rarely maturing in some Rorippa)
57a. Siliques 3–15 (–20) mm long (rarely maturing in some Rorippa), with seeds aligned in 2 rows in each locule; valves of silique ± nervelss; stems terete (in part)
57b. Siliques 10–80 mm long, with seeds aligned in 1 row in each locule; valves of silique with a prominent midnerve; stems angled
52b. Stem leaves petiolate or sessile, but not clasping the stem
58a. Siliques flat or strongly compressed
59a. Petals yellow in life; seeds aligned in 2 rows in each locule (in part)
59b. Petals white to pink to purple; seeds aligned in 1 row in each locule
60b. Lower leaf blades pinnately lobed to dentate; replum essentially the same thickness as the septum, the septum and replum combined flat in cross-section (in part)
58b. Siliques terete or quadrangular in cross-section, each valve strongly convex
61a. Seeds aligned in 2 rows in each locule
62a. Silique terminated by a broad, flat, indehiscent beak 5–12 mm long that is ½ to fully as long as the valves; petals white to white-yellow with red-purple veins
62b. Silque without an apical beak or with a short beak 1–3 mm long that is much shorter than the valves; petals entirely white or yellow
63a. Petals white; leaves with pinnately compound blades, the leaflets often petiolulate; plants aquatic, with submersed or floating stems (or prostrate on mud as water levels decline), freely rooting from the nodes (in part)
63b. Petals yellow or absent; middle and upper stem leaves with toothed to pinnately lobed, but not compound, leaf blades, the leaflets connected to each other by at least a wing of tissue along the leaf rachis; plants terrestrial or of wetlands, the stems upright or sometimes prostrate, not or only sparingly rooting from the lower nodes
64a. Inflorescence leafy-bracteate, most or all of the pedicels subtended by bracts (in part)
64b. Inflorescence not bracteate, only the lower pedicels, if any, subtended by bracts
65a. Siliques 3–15 (–20) mm long, the valves of silique ± nerveless; fruiting pedicels 0.5–14 mm long (in part)
65b. Siliques 20–45 mm long, the valves with a prominent midnerve; fruiting pedicels (6–) 10–30 (–35) mm long (in part)
61b. Seeds aligned in 1 row in each locule
66a. Petals white; leaves with pinnately compound blades, the leaflets often petiolulate; plants aquatic, with submersed or floating stems (or prostrate on mud as water levels decline), freely rooting from the nodes (in part)
66b. Petals pale yellow to yellow in life (sometimes white-yellow in the cultivated Brassica oleracea); middle and upper stem leaves with toothed to pinnately lobed, but not compound, leaf blades, the leaflets connected to each other by at least a wing of tissue along the leaf rachis (those of Sisymbrium altissimum with linear to filiform segments that often lack connecting tissue along the rachis); plants primarily terrestrial weeds with upright stems that do not root from the nodes
67a. Seeds subglobose; silique tipped by an indehiscent beak 1–30 mm long
68a. Each valve of the silique with 1 prominent nerve; indehiscent beak of fruit terete or angled, without seeds (very rarely with 1 or 2 seeds); sepals erect to ascending (in part)
68b. Each valve of the silique with 3 prominent nerves; indehiscent beak of fruit compressed or compressed-quadrangular, often containing 1 (–3) seeds; sepals spreading to reflexed [Fig. 527] (in part)
67b. Seeds obloid or ovoid; silique tipped by the persistent style up to 3 mm long
69a. Inflorescence not bracteate, only the lower pedicels, if any, subtended by bracts [Fig. 528]; valves of silique with 3 nerves
69b. Inflorescence leafy-bracteate, most or all of the pedicels subtended by bracts; valves of silique with 1 nerve
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Each photo represents one genus in this family.