What’s a dichotomous key?
- Group 1Lycophytes, Monilophytes
- Group 2Gymnosperms
- Group 3Monocots
- Group 4Woody angiosperms with opposite or whorled leaves
- Group 5Woody angiosperms with alternate leaves
- Group 6Herbaceous angiosperms with inferior ovaries
- Group 7Herbaceous angiosperms with superior ovaries and zygomorphic flowers
- Group 8Herbaceous angiosperms with superior ovaries, actinomorphic flowers, and 2 or more distinct carpels
- Group 9Herbaceous angiosperms with superior ovaries, actinomorphic flowers, connate petals, and a solitary carpel or 2 or more connate carpels
- Group 10Herbaceous angiosperms with superior ovaries, actinomorphic flowers, distinct petals or the petals lacking, and 2 or more connate carpels
- You are here:
- Dichotomous Key
- Asteraceae
- Asteraceae Group 6
Asteraceae Group 6
See list of 31 genera in this group-
1a. Receptacle naked
2a. Capitula tiny, sessile and aggregated in head-like glomerules, each with a single ray flower; involucre up to 1 mm in diameter, with usually 2 bracts; upper leaf blades sessile and often connate at the base
2b. Capitula larger, some or all peduncled, not aggregated in glomerules, each with (1–) 3 or more ray flowers; involucre wider than 1 mm in diameter, with 3 or more bracts; upper leaf blades sessile or petioled, but not basally connate
3a. Leaves opposite and with simple, entire blades
3b. Leaves alternate or opposite, the blades toothed to lobed or divided (blades usually entire in Helenium and sometimes in Calendula,
4a. Leaves opposite (at least the lower), the blades once or twice pinnately divided or -lobed; involucral bracts gland-dotted
5a. Pappus monomorphic, composed of 10–20 scales that are cleft into 3–10 divisions or bristles at the apex; involucre biseriate—the outer series with 3–9 bracts, the inner series with 8–22 bracts
6a. Capitula with 5–8 ray flowers; inner series of 8 distinct involucral bracts; pappus scales apically cleft into 5–10 bristles (in part)
6b. Capitula with 10–21 ray flowers; inner series of 12–22 involucral bracts that are connate 80% or more of their length; pappus scales apically cleft into 3–5 divisions (in part)
5b. Pappus scales dimorphic, none of which are divided at the apex into bristles; involucre either uniseriate or biseriate and then with only 2 outer bracts
7a. Capitula with (1–) 3–8 (up to 100+ in cultivars) ray flowers, the ray 1–18 (–25) mm long; pappus of 3–7 scales—1 or 2 longer scales and 2–5 shorter scales; involucre uniseriate, bracts largely connate
7b. Capitula with (0–) 1 ray flower, the ray 0.8–1.2 mm long; pappus of 8 scales that usually are alternately unequal; involucre biseriate, the bracts distinct
4b. Leaves alternate, simple or 1–3 times pinnately lobed; involucral bracts not gland-dotted (except in Helenium and Hymenoxys)
8a. Pappus a tiny crown or completely absent
9a. Cypsela bodies tuberculate-rugose on the outer surface (i.e., the surface facing the margin of the capitulum); disk flowers functionally staminate with an abortive ovary, not producing fruit; capitula 4–7 (–10) cm wide in life
9b. Cypsela bodies not tuberculate-rugose on any surface; disk flowers bisexual or unisexual (and then carpellate), producing fruit; capitula up to 4 (–5) cm wide in life (2.5–20 cm in diameter in Chrysanthemum)
10a. Capitulescence consisting of (10–) 20–70 (–100) capitula in a compact, corymb-like array (in part)
10b. Capitulescence consisting of 1–3 capitula
11a. Herbage glabrous or nearly so; cypselas dimorphic—those of the ray flowers 3-angled with 2 or 3 wing-margins, those of the disk flowers ± cylindrical; plants annual
11b. Herbage gray-pubescent (sometime glabrate in late season); cypselas monomorphic, angled or ribbed, but without wing-angles; plants perennial
12a. Rays longer than 10 mm; leaf blades prominently toothed to lobed; introduced plants of settled areas (in part)
12b. Rays up to 4 mm long; leaf blades 2- to 3-times pinnately compound; native plants of northern, ice-scoured river shores (in part)
8b. Pappus composed of distinct awns or scales
13a. Inner series of involucral bracts connate 80% or more of their length; pappus of apically cleft scales (in part)
13b. Involucral bracts distinct or connate only at base; pappus of awns or simple scales
14a. Involucral bracts resinous; pappus composed of 2–8 firm, but deciduous, awns; capitula with 25–40 rays (in part)
14b. Involucral bracts resin-dotted; pappus composed of 5–10 lanceolate to ovate or obovate, awn-tipped scales; capitula with 5–21 rays
15a. Involucral bracts reflexed in fruit; mature receptacles ± globose [Fig. 416]; stems winged by decurrent leaf bases (not so in H. amarum); leaf blades simple (rarely pinnately lobed in H. amarum)
15b. Involucral bracts spreading to erect in fruit; mature receptacles hemispherical; stems unwinged; larger leaf blades usually pinnately lobed into very narrow segments
1b. Receptacle bristly or chaffy, at least toward the margin of the capitulum
16a. Leaves regularly alternate throughout the stem
17a. Receptacle with spine-like setae; lobes of disk corollas villous-tomentose; pappus composed of 6–10 conspicuously awned scales (in part)
17b. Receptacle chaffy with flattened scales; lobes of disk corollas not villous-tomentose; pappus various but not composed of awned scales
18a. Involucral bracts in 1 series, laterally compressed and enfolding a ray cypsela; receptacle chaffy only near the margin; plants aromatic, with stipitate glands (at least in the capitulescence) (in part)
18b. Involucral bracts in 1 or more series, flat, not enfolding a ray cypsela; receptacle chaffy throughout; plants aromatic or not, but lacking abundant stipitate glands
19a. Capitula with 20–40 ray flowers; involucral bracts dry and scarious-margined
19b. Capitula with 2–21 ray flowers [Fig. 447]; involucral bracts herbaceous or foliaceous, commonly without scarious margins
20a. Receptacle convex to low-conic; cypsela body with evident lateral wings (very rarely the wings lacking); leaves either auriculate-dilated at base or decurrent on the stem as conspicuous wings
20b. Receptacle conic to columnar [Fig. 447]; cypsela body lacking wings or with narrow wing margins; leaves neither abruptly and conspicuously broadened at base nor decurrent as prominent wings
21a. Ray flowers subtended by chaffy scales; chaff velutinous at tip; cypsela body compressed
21b. Ray flowers not subtended by chaff; chaff not velutinous at tip; cypsela body ± quadrangular
16b. Leaves opposite or whorled, except sometimes the upper, which are alternate [Fig. 418]
22a. Inner involucral bracts 5- to 7-ribbed, each rib bearing 1 or 2 rows of hooked prickles 1–2 mm long, maturing into a bur in fruit; annuals with prostrate stems commonly rooting from the lower nodes
22b. None of the involucral bracts bearing prickles or maturing as a bur; annual or perennial plants, mostly with ascending stems (except the aquatic Bidens beckii)
23a. Leaves, at least the upper, connate-perfoliate; stem square; disk flowers unisexual and staminate, with an undivided style and abortive ovary
23b. Leaves not connate-perfoliate; stem terete or angled; disk flowers bisexual, the style divided and the ovary fertile
24a. Plants aquatic, with flaccid stems; leaves (except for the emersed ones) whorled, finely dissected into narrow, flaccid segments; capitulescence commonly a solitary capitulum [Fig. 380]; cypselas terete (in part)
24b. Plants terrestrial or of wetlands, with erect stems; leaves opposite, entire or divided into broad, firmer segments; capitulescence commonly composed of 2 or more capitula; cypselas compressed, quadrangular, or ± triangular
25a. Involucral bracts conspicuously stipitate glandular, biseriate, dimorphic—the outer longer and spreading, the inner shorter and erect; leaf blades resin-dotted abaxially (in part)
25b. Involucral bracts not stipitate-glandular (though with sessile glands or rarely with glands on short stipes near the margins in Deinandra), arranged in 1 or more series, when biseriate the outer involucral bracts not both longer than the inner and spreading (except in some Bidens); leaf blades not resin-dotted abaxially (except in Deinandra and Heliomeris and some Helianthus)
26a. Disk corollas densely tomentose basally; involucral bracts uniseriate
26b. Disk corollas glabrous basally; involcural bracts in 2 or more series (in 1 series in Deinandra, but that genus with only 6 disk flowers, rather than 100+ in Guizotia)
27a. Chaff in a single series between the ray and disk flowers; pappus composed of 5–12 lanceolate to oblong or linear scales 1–1.5 mm long
27b. Chaff not restricted to a single series ; pappus absent, of 2–4 tooth-like scales, or of 2–4 (–5) awns that are commonly minutely barbellate; involucre with 2 or more series of bracts
28a. Ray flowers carpellate and fertile, becoming chartaceous in fruit and persistent on the triangular cypsela [Fig. 421]
28b. Ray flowers neutral and lacking carpels (with carpels in Heterosperma, but that genus with pinnately lobed leaves), deciduous at or before maturity of the compressed or quadrangular cypsela
29a. Involcural bracts biseriate or triseriate, ± monomorphic [Fig. 417]; chaff of the receptacle partially enfolding the disk flowers; cypsela bodies compressed at right angles to the involucral bracts
30a. Pappus present, of 2 narrow scales (1–) 1.2–5 mm long positioned at the principal angles and 0–4 shorter scales (note: the scales are readily deciduous); cypsela body glabrous or pubescent; leaf blades 1.2–40 cm wide, at least the larger serrate or serrulate to subentire (rarely entire) and usually 3-nerved (1-nerved in H. maximiliani)
30b. Pappus absent; cypsela body glabrous; leaf blades 0.2–2 cm wide, entire, 1 (–3)-nerved
29b. Involucral bracts biseriate, dimorphic [Fig. 381]; chaff flat or nearly so, not or only slightly enfolding the disk flowers; cypsela bodies compressed parallel to the involucral bracts
31a. Cypsela body tapering to a slender, apical beak; leaf blades pinnately lobed or dissected into linear or linear-filiform segments up to 1.5 (–3) mm wide (lanceolate an up to 5 mm wide in the rare introduction Cosmos sulphureus); capitula usually with 3–20 disk flowers
32a. Ray flowers 1–3, with rays usually 1–2 mm long; disk flowers 3–10; leaf blades 1–4 cm long
32b. Ray flowers usually 8, with rays 15–50 mm long; disk flowers 10–20; leaf blades 5–12 (–25) cm long (in part)
31b. Cypsela body not terminated by a beak; leaf blades simple, lobed, or divided into linear to ovate segments mostly wider than 1.5 mm (narrower in a few Coreopsis); capitula with (7–) 12–150+ disk flowers
33b. Pappus of 2 short, tooth-like scales or none; cypsela wing-margined; outer involucral bracts ± herbaceous (in part)
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Each photo represents one genus in this subgroup.