What’s a dichotomous key?
- Group 1Lycophytes, Monilophytes
- Group 2Gymnosperms
- Group 3Monocots
- Group 4Woody angiosperms with opposite or whorled leaves
- Group 5Woody angiosperms with alternate leaves
- Group 6Herbaceous angiosperms with inferior ovaries
- Group 7Herbaceous angiosperms with superior ovaries and zygomorphic flowers
- Group 8Herbaceous angiosperms with superior ovaries, actinomorphic flowers, and 2 or more distinct carpels
- Group 9Herbaceous angiosperms with superior ovaries, actinomorphic flowers, connate petals, and a solitary carpel or 2 or more connate carpels
- Group 10Herbaceous angiosperms with superior ovaries, actinomorphic flowers, distinct petals or the petals lacking, and 2 or more connate carpels
- You are here:
- Dichotomous Key
- Asteraceae
- Asteraceae Group 3
Asteraceae Group 3
See list of 24 genera in this group-
1a. Leaf blades spiny margined; involucral bracts tipped by a spine (the spine pinnately branched in Centaurea [Fig. 387])
2a. Capitula 1-flowered, aggregated in clusters forming a false, ± spherical, secondary capitulum that is subtended by a common involucre [Fig. 398]; true involucre subtended by a tuft of capillary bristles
2b. Capitula with more than 1 flower, not conspicuously aggregated in secondary capitula; involucre not subtended by a tuft of bristles
3a. Pappus composed of 10 outer, longer, minutely barbellate awns and 10 inner, shorter, ciliate awns; cypsela body ± tetete in cross-section; inner involucral bracts tipped by a pectinately fringed and spine-tipped appendage or the apical spine pinnately or palmately branched [Fig. 387] (in part)
3b. Pappus absent or composed of many rows of linear scales; cypsela body quadrangular in cross-section; inner involucral bracts lacking fringed appendages and tipped by a simple spine
1b. Leaf blades without spiny margins, though spines may occur on other portions of the plant; involucral bracts not tipped by spines (except Ageratum; though they
4a. Receptacle bristly setose, hairy, or chaffy, at least near the margin of the capitulum; corollas anthocyanic, cyanic, yellow to orange, green-yellow, green-white, or white (or lacking on some flowers)
5a. Pappus of some form present, at least on the inner flowers
6a. Most or all of the leaves opposite [Fig. 380]; pappus of 2–6 awns, these usually retrorsely barbellate (rarely antrorsely barbellate or smooth or absent) [Figs. 381, 382, 383]; receptacle with flattened scales (in part)
6b. Leaves alternate; pappus of bristles or scales; receptacle densely bristly
7a. Involucral bracts with an entire, attenuate, hooked tip [Fig. 377]; leaf blades 15–70 cm wide, usually simple, rounded to cordate at the base
5b. Pappus absent
8a. Receptacle densely bristly setose or long-hairy or naked
9a. Most or all the involucral bracts tipped by an erose or a fimbriate- to pectinate-fringed appendage [Figs. 386,388,389]; involucre 10–25 mm tall; cypselas attached laterally to the receptacle; style branches with a thickened, often pubescent, ring, the texture of the branches changing to papillate distal to the ring (in part)
9b. Involucral bracts with entire margins; involucre 1–7.5 mm tall; cypselas attached basally to the receptacle; style branches truncate and penicillate (in part)
8b. Receptacle with scale-like chaff
10a. Staminate and carpellate flowers in separate capitula, the staminate capitula usually the uppermost and possessing an undivided style; involucre armed with tubercles, spines, or prickles [Fig. 478]; carpellate flowers lacking a corolla
11a. Staminate involucre of distinct bracts; carpellate involucre a conspicuous, prickly bur, 8–40 mm tall
11b. Staminate involucre of connate bracts; carpellate involucre with 1 or more series of tubercles or spines [Fig. 371], 3–10 mm tall (in part)
10b. Flowers bisexual or unisexual and then the staminate and carpellate flowers in the same capitulum; involucre unarmed; all the flowers with a corolla (except in Cyclachaena xanthiifolia, in which the carpellate flowers sometimes lack a corolla)
12a. Plants woody; leaf blades white-tomentose, evergreen, 3-dimensionally pinnately dissected
12b. Plants herbaceous or usually woody in Iva frutescens; leaf blades glabrous or pubescent, but not white-tomentose, deciduous, simple to 3-times pinnately divided, relatively plane
13a. Involucre with 2 series of dimorphic bracts—the outer series larger, herbaceous to foliaceous, the inner series smaller, membranaceous, and usually striate [Fig. 381]; pappus of 2–6 awns, these usually retrosely barbellate (rarely antrorsely barbellate or smooth or absent) [Figs. 381, 382, 383] (in part)
13b. Involucre with 1 series of monomorphic, herbaceous or subherbaceous bracts; pappus none
14a. Leaves alternate; inner flowers of capitulum (i.e., the disk flowers) bisexual, with a bifid style; plants annual, 1–10 dm tall (in part)
14b. Leaves opposite (the uppermost sometimes alternate); inner flowers of capitulum functionally unisexual, the ovary abortive and the style undivided; plants perennial or coarse annuals, 5–30 dm tall
15a. Larger leaves with pinnately lobed and toothed blades [Fig. 445]; involucre 6–11 mm tall (in part)
15b. Leaves with simple blades that are toothed or double toothed; involucre 1.5–4 mm tall
16a. Capitulescence (or the principal branches in robust plants) raceme-like or spike-like; peduncles 0–3 mm long, many subtended by leaf-like bracts; carpellate flowers with a corolla 0.5–1 mm long
16b. Capitulescence panicle-like; peduncles 1–6 (–12) mm long, few (if any) subtended by leaf-like bracts; carpellate flowers with a corolla 0.1–0.5 mm long, or the corolla absent
4b. Receptacle without bristles or chaff (the persistent floral stipes of Cotula sometimes misinterpreted as chaff); corollas yellow (or usually blue to lavender in Ageratum or lacking in the carpellate flowers of Ambrosia trifida)
17b. Leaves alternate or opposite; capitula usually more than one in the axils of leaves, at the tips of branches, and/or at the summit of the stem; terrestrial plants
18a. Leaves opposite
19a. Plants synoecious (i.e., with capitula that have bisexual flowers); pappus present; leaf blades simple to dissected, but none palmately lobed
20a. Leaf blades dissected into narrow segments; pappus composed of 10–20 scales that are cleft into 5–10 bristles at the apex; inner involucral bracts rounded to obtuse at apex (in part)
20b. Leaf blades simple merely toothed; pappus composed of (4–) 5 (–6) scales that are fringed along the margins and terminate in a single, long awn; involucral bracts narrowed to an awn-like point 0.5–2 mm long
19a. Plants monoecious (i.e., with separate staminate and carpellate capitula); pappus absent; usually at least some leaf blades palmately lobed [Fig. 372] (in part)
18b. Leaves alternate
21a. Pappus of 2–8 firm, but deciduous, awns; involucral bracts squarrose and heavily resinous (in part)
21b. Pappus of scales, a short crown, or none; involucral bracts neither squarrose nor resinous
22a. Capitulescence a solitary capitulum at the tips of branches or in the axils of leaves; outermost series of flowers lacking a corolla;; low, procumbent or trailing herbs
23a. Capitula at the tips of branches; inner flowers stipitate, the stipes persistent on the receptacle; leaf blades (10–) 20–30 (–70) mm long; cypselas with two evident ribs or wings
23b. Capitula mainly in the axils of leaves; inner flowers not stipitate; leaf blades 5–15 mm long; cypselas with ridged but not winged
22b. Capitulescence with multiple capitula, all the flowers with a corolla; none of the flowers stipitate; erect or ascending herbs or shrubs
24b. Capitulescence resembling a corymb or cyme; pappus of scales or a short crown
25a. Pappus of 4–10 scales, the longer scales 2–6 mm wide
26a. Corollas pink to red (rarely nearly white), with narrow-lanceolate to linear lobes that are mostly more than 2 times as long as wide, all actinomorphic
26b. Corollas yellow, with lanceolate to triangular lobes that are mostly 1–2 times as long as wide, the outer ones enlarged and zygomorphic
25b. Pappus a short crown 0.2–0.4 mm long
27a. Leaf blades toothed, sometimes with a few basal lobes as well; cypselas with 5–8 rib-like nerves (in part)
27b. Leaf blades 1- to 3-times pinnatifid; cypselas with 5 or fewer rib-like nerves
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Each photo represents one genus in this subgroup.