Page 78: 1,569 results for Asclepias
Lysimachia terrestris (swamp yellow-loosestrife)
...(Asclepias): NA. Sepal and petal color: the sepals are different from the petals. prickles on frui...
Ipomoea purpurea (common morning-glory)
...(Asclepias): NA. Stamen lengths differ: the stamens are didynamous (two long stamens and two short ones). ...
Strophostyles umbellata (perennial woolly bean)
...(Asclepias): NA. Petal folding in bud: the petals in bud are arranged in a cycle with edges overlapping like roof shingles ...
Tiarella cordifolia (foam-flower)
...(Asclepias): NA. Petal folding in bud: the petals in bud are arranged in a cycle with edges overlapping like roof shingles ...
Lunaria annua (annual honesty)
...(Asclepias): NA. Hairs on upper side of leaf: the upper side of the leaf is not hairy, or it has very few hairs. ...
Baptisia bracteata (long-bracted wild indigo)
...(Asclepias): NA. Hairs on fruit: the fruits have hairs on them. Stipule fused to leaf stalk: ...
Galium circaezans (forest licorice bedstraw)
...(Asclepias): NA. Stamen number: 4. Leaf stalk base: NA. ...
Viola adunca (hook-spurred violet)
...(Asclepias): NA. Hairs on upper side of leaf: the upper side of the leaf is fuzzy or hairy. Leaf v...
Pycnanthemum virginianum (Virginia mountain-mint)
...(Asclepias): NA. Inflorescence width: 3.0 mm–20.0 mm. Growth form: the plant i...
Erodium ciconium (common stork's-bill)
...(Asclepias): NA. Bracteole number (Apiaceae): 0.0 NA–0.0 NA. Number of styles: 1.0 ...