Page 4: 52 results for Galium
Question: This plant, which I suspect is a Gallium, has a prominent purplish …
...the Galium mollugo complex, though I can't say for certain it isn't Galium album or G. sylvaticum without flowers. These species are not the typical ones used for early spring greens (such ...
Sighting: Galium asprellum at 42.378, -72.482
Sighting: Galium asprellum at 42.378, -72.482 Posted Oct. 22, 2016, 8:16 p.m. by Banks1 Location notes: Found along Robert Frost Trail in Amethyst Brook Conservation Area.
Question: Dear Arthur Haines, On October 3, 2020, we found growing on the …
...leaf Galium in fruit. The Galium has the appearance of Galium palustre. Reviewing my image the fruit did not appear smooth, possibly "bumpy", possibly having hair. Can you review my image a...
Sighting: Galium mollugo at 42.40028, -72.52
Sighting: Galium mollugo at 42.40028, -72.52 Posted Oct. 15, 2014, 2:07 a.m. by Bio426student05 Description or comments: Whorls of up to 7 leaves, 4 petals Location notes: Disturbed are...
Sighting: Galium album at Blain Street, Acushnet, MA
Sighting: Galium album at Blain Street, Acushnet, MA Posted June 8, 2015, 9:53 p.m. by s.quintal Location notes: Field habitat at LaPalme Farm conservation property (west end of Blain Street...
Galium: Dichotomous Key
Galium: Dichotomous Key. You are here: Dichotomous Key > Rubiaceae > Galium. Galium. Corolla measure...
Question: I'm thinking this Bedstraw is Gallium album or mollugo. Looks to me …
...of Galium album are usually 3--5 mm in diameter, those of Galium mollugo are usually 2--3 mm in diameter. They only need a couple of days to dry in a press or book, etc. Good luck.
Sighting: Galium triflorum at Reservoir Rd, Sunderland, MA
Sighting: Galium triflorum at Reservoir Rd, Sunderland, MA Posted Oct. 8, 2013, 8:10 p.m. by 426std11 Location notes: A few meters SW of the gate at the top of the the water tank trail. Wate...
Question: I found this image on gobotany, described as Galium labradoricum. (This isn't …
Question: I found this image on gobotany, described as Galium labradoricum. (This isn't my photo. It is attributed to Donald Cameron.) I am curious about the pink flowers (fruits) in this image. ...
Sighting: Galium circaezans at Hadley Ma
Sighting: Galium circaezans at Hadley Ma Posted Nov. 20, 2016, 2:14 a.m. by Ansah1 Description or comments: This is a non woody plant that grows on the land. This plant has its leaves whorled ...