Page 3: 58 results for dogwoods
Question: I have another plant from both Maine and northern New York. It …
Question: I have another plant from both Maine and northern New York. It was found in forested swampy, moist habitats in May/early spring. I originally thought it belonged to the dogwood family, and t...
Genus: Benthamidia (big-bracted-dogwood)
Genus: Benthamidia. big-bracted-dogwood. Other floras place our species in this genus within the genus Cornus. Family: Cornaceae. This Genus's Species: Benthamidia florida Benthamidia ...
Genus: Chamaepericlymenum (dwarf-dogwood)
Genus: Chamaepericlymenum. dwarf-dogwood. Other floras place our species in this genus within the genus Cornus. Family: Cornaceae. This Genus's Species: Chamaepericlymenum canadense Key T...
Question: Found in Mansfield, CT.
Question: Found in Mansfield, CT. Answer: Dear jrrhodes, your image is Swida amomum (silky dogwood), identified this time of year by its red-brown to red branchlets (with brown pith if you have a cha...
Question: Hi, I have noticed that the dogwood genus has changed, from Cornus …
...(big-bracted dogwoods), woody with large petaloid bracts, (3) Swida, (blue- and white-fruited dogwoods), woody and without petaloid bracts, and (4) Chamaepericlymenum (dwarf dogwoods), herbaceous plan...
Question: I live in the Boston area and need some help identifying a …
...flowering dogwoods. I can't tell for certain without flowers or fruits, but it looks like Benthamidia florida (flowering big-bracted-dogwood), which is a native species.
Question: I have a Pagoda dogwood tree in my backyard. My question is …
...other dogwoods. You are hearing they do not uphold because many botanists (amateur and professional) consider the recognition of four genera of dogwoods unpopular. However, Swida is distinctive in i...
Sighting: Viburnum nudum at 44.400, -70.559
Sighting: Viburnum nudum at 44.400, -70.559 Posted April 21, 2018, 2:17 a.m. by spruce207 Description or comments: Round leaf Dogwood, like? 2 M height [The flattened fruits suggest with-rod-...
Question: Thanks for your answers about the dogwood and the water willow. Wonderful!
Question: Thanks for your answers about the dogwood and the water willow. Wonderful! Answer: David, you are most welcome. Keep sending images--we'll do our best to help you out with anything t...
Question: A couple of these are growing in a dry shade bed that …
Question: A couple of these are growing in a dry shade bed that I've been cleaning out. I've tried to identify them and they may be immature shrubs. Possible related to a dogwood, but I...