Page 112: 1,569 results for Asclepias
Stachys arvensis (field hedge-nettle)
...(Asclepias): NA. Sepal appearance: the sepals are green or brown, and leaf-like in texture. Flower...
Phytolacca americana (American pokeweed)
...(Asclepias): NA. Petal hairs (Viola): NA. Fruit cross-section: the fruit...
Verbascum blattaria (moth mullein)
...(Asclepias): NA. Achene relative orientation: NA. Hair type on fruit: th...
Agrimonia gryposepala (common agrimony, tall hairy agrimony)
...(Asclepias): NA. Leaf blade edges: the edge of the leaf blade has teeth. Parasitism: ...
Lechea mucronata (hairy pinweed)
...(Asclepias): NA. Achene relative orientation: NA. Sap: the sap is clear ...
Lycopus amplectens (clasping water-horehound)
...(Asclepias): NA. Bracteole number (Apiaceae): 0.0 NA–0.0 NA. Petal hairs (Viola): ...
Adlumia fungosa (Allegheny-vine)
...(Asclepias): NA. Style petal-like: the styles are not petal-like. Leaf shiny: ...
Houstonia caerulea (little bluet)
...(Asclepias): NA. Stamen number: 4. Bulblets replace flowers: there are n...
Silene vulgaris (bladder campion)
...(Asclepias): NA. Stamen attachment: the stamens are attached at or near the bases of the petals or tepals. ...
Rhexia mariana (Maryland meadow-beauty)
...(Asclepias): NA. Flowers sunken into stem: no. Leaf blade base: the leaf...