Page 11: 1,549 results for Oenothera
Onosmodium bejariense (soft-haired false gromwell)
...(Oenothera): NA. Nectar spur: the flower has no nectar spurs. Horns in hoods (Asclepias): ...
Hydrocotyle umbellata (many-flowered marsh-pennywort)
...(Oenothera): NA. Corolla morphology: NA. Bracts in plantain (Plantago): ...
Lilaeopsis chinensis (eastern grasswort)
...(Oenothera): NA. Epicalyx number of parts: 0.0 NA–0.0 NA. Stipule fused to leaf stalk: ...
Chenopodium rubrum (red goosefoot)
...(Oenothera): NA. Nectar spur: the flower has no nectar spurs. Horns in hoods (Asclepias): ...
Heliotropium amplexicaule (clasping heliotrope)
...(Oenothera): NA. Nectar spur: the flower has no nectar spurs. Horns in hoods (Asclepias): ...
Hydrophyllum canadense (blunt-leaved waterleaf)
...(Oenothera): NA. Nectar spur: the flower has no nectar spurs. Horns in hoods (Asclepias): ...
Polanisia dodecandra (red-whiskered clammyweed)
...(Oenothera): NA. Nectar spur: the flower has no nectar spurs. Horns in hoods (Asclepias): ...
Gadellia lactiflora (milky-bellflower)
...(Oenothera): NA. Nectar spur: the flower has no nectar spurs. Horns in hoods (Asclepias): ...
Ranunculus allegheniensis (Allegheny crowfoot)
...(Oenothera): NA. Nectar spur: the flower has no nectar spurs. Horns in hoods (Asclepias): ...
Minuartia marcescens (serpentine sandplant)
...(Oenothera): NA. Nectar spur: the flower has no nectar spurs. Horns in hoods (Asclepias): ...