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58 results for dogwoods

  • Swida alternifolia (alternate-leaved dogwood, pagoda dogwood)

    Swida alternifolia (L. f.) Small. alternate-leaved dogwood, pagoda dogwood. Woody Plants Woody Angiosperms Facts About: Alternate-leaved dogwood is the only dogwood in the genus that...

  • Swida racemosa (gray dogwood)

    Swida racemosa (Lam.) Moldenke. gray dogwood. Woody Plants Woody Angiosperms Facts About: Gray dogwood has round-topped clusters of creamy white flowers borne on red pedicels. The fl...

  • Swida amomum (silky dogwood)

    Swida amomum (P. Mill.) Small. silky dogwood. Woody Plants Woody Angiosperms Facts About: Look for small hairs on the new, reddish twigs and flower buds of silky dogwood. Snap a twig...

  • Swida rugosa (round-leaved dogwood)

    Swida rugosa (Lam.) Rydb.. round-leaved dogwood. Woody Plants Woody Angiosperms Facts About: The oval-shaped leaves of round-leaved dogwood give it its common name, while the slightl...

  • Swida sericea (red-osier dogwood)

    Swida sericea (L.) Holub. red-osier dogwood. Woody Plants Woody Angiosperms Facts About: Red-osier dogwood is easy to spot in wetlands in winter, with its red stems and blueish fruit...

  • Benthamidia florida (flowering big-bracted-dogwood)

    Benthamidia florida (L.) Spach. flowering big-bracted-dogwood. Woody Plants Woody Angiosperms Facts About: Flowering big-bracted-dogwood is a memorable member of New England's f...

  • Benthamidia japonica (kousa big-bracted-dogwood)

    Benthamidia japonica (Sieb. & Zucc.) Hara. kousa big-bracted-dogwood. Woody Plants Woody Angiosperms Facts About: Kousa big-bracted-dogwood is notable for its very large white in...

  • Swida sanguinea (blood-twig dogwood)

    Swida sanguinea (L.) Opiz. blood-twig dogwood. Woody Plants Woody Angiosperms Facts About: N/A Habitat: anthropogenic (man-made or disturbed habitats), meadows and fields All ...

  • Chamaepericlymenum canadense (bunchberry, Canada dwarf-dogwood)

    Chamaepericlymenum canadense (L.) Aschers. & Graebn.. bunchberry, Canada dwarf-dogwood. Non-Monocots Non-Alternate Remaining Non-Monocots Non-Monocots Remaining Non-Monocots Fact...

  • Sighting: silky dogwood at Nottingham NH

    Sighting: silky dogwood at Nottingham NH Posted March 22, 2020, 4:26 p.m. by Pinkerteach Description or comments: Silky dogwood Location notes: Adjacent to wetland. Red twigs, brown twi...