What’s a dichotomous key?
- Group 1Lycophytes, Monilophytes
- Group 2Gymnosperms
- Group 3Monocots
- Group 4Woody angiosperms with opposite or whorled leaves
- Group 5Woody angiosperms with alternate leaves
- Group 6Herbaceous angiosperms with inferior ovaries
- Group 7Herbaceous angiosperms with superior ovaries and zygomorphic flowers
- Group 8Herbaceous angiosperms with superior ovaries, actinomorphic flowers, and 2 or more distinct carpels
- Group 9Herbaceous angiosperms with superior ovaries, actinomorphic flowers, connate petals, and a solitary carpel or 2 or more connate carpels
- Group 10Herbaceous angiosperms with superior ovaries, actinomorphic flowers, distinct petals or the petals lacking, and 2 or more connate carpels
- You are here:
- Dichotomous Key
- Salicaceae
- Salix
- Salix key for staminate reproductive material
Salix key for staminate reproductive material
See list of 30 species in this subkey-
1a. Flowers with an abaxial nectary (or nectaries) in addition to the adaxial nectary (or nectaries)
2a. Flowers each with 3–10 stamens
3a. Rachis of anther sac curved; floral bracts entire at apex (sometimes toothed in S. amygdaloides; aments loosely flowered; flowers ± in whorls about the rachis of the ament
4a. Branchlets brittle at base, breaking ± cleanly at the junction of yearly growth; expanding leaf blades green on both surfaces
4b. Branchlets flexible at base, tearing when bent to failure; expanding leaf blades glaucous on the abaxial surface
3b. Rachis of anther sac straight; floral bracts entire, toothed, or erose at apex; aments densely flowered; flowers spirally arranged about the rachis of the ament
5a. Emerging leaves with stipules and often with red-brown hairs
5b. Emerging leaves exstipulate (sometimes with minute stipule rudiments) and without red-brown hairs
6a. Floral bracts sparsely pubescent, the hairs mainly near the apex; aments 27–81 mm long; emerging leaves with abaxially green blades; non-native trees 5–15 mm tall
6b. Floral bracts moderately to densely pubescent throughout abaxial surface; aments 11–31 (–53) mm long; emerging leaves with abaxially glaucous blades (this sometimes difficult to detect on early emerging blades); native shrubs 1–5 m tall
7a. Flowers each with 1 stamen, or appearing as 1 due to fusion of the filaments
8a. At least some of the aments opposite or subopposite; flowers with 2 stamens but with filaments connate their entire length, bearing 2 anthers at the apex; upright shrubs 1.5–5 m tall
8b. Aments all alternate; flowers with 1 stamen (i.e., only 1 anther at the summit of the filament); dwarf shrubs rarely exceeding 0.15 m
9a. Aments 3–7.5 ×1.5–5 mm, with 5–12 flowers; flowering branchlets 0.2–2 mm long
9b. Aments 10–61 ×4–16 mm, with more than 12 flowers; flowering branchlets (1–) 2–20 mm long
10b. Floral bracts yellow-brown to green-yellow or white-brown, sometimes suffused with red near the apex [Fig. 887]; filaments pilose, at least in the basal portion; aments 20–61 mm long
11a. Petioles of emerging leaves eglandular; filaments densely pilose in the basal half
11b. Petioles of emerging leaves glandular at the summit; filaments sparsely pilose only at the base
1b. Flowers with only an adaxial nectary
12a. Filaments pubescent (though sometimes sparsely), at least near the base
13a. Floral bracts yellow-brown or pale green-yellow, often suffused with red at the apex [Fig. 887]
14a. Filaments basally connate for up to slightly more than ½ their length
15a. Aments borne on flowering branchlets 1–1.5 mm long; expanding leaves mostly linear to narrow-oblong or narrow-oblanceolate
15b. Aments borne on flowering branchlets 0.5–11 mm long; expanding leaves mostly elliptic or oblong to oblanceolate or obovate (in part)
14b. Filaments distinct
16a. Decorticated wood smooth, with small points or with a few short ridges generally shorter than 5 mm (in part)
16b. Decorticated wood (i.e., with the bark removed) of 1- to 4-year-old branches with many prominent ridges, some longer than 20 mm (in part)
17a. Decorticated wood (i.e., with the bark removed) of 1- to 4-year-old branches with many prominent ridges, some longer than 20 mm [Fig. 890]
18a. Aments 15.5–21.5 ×10–15 mm; floral bracts 1–2.2 mm long; anthers 0.5–0.8 mm long (in part)
18b. Aments 26–39 ×12–26 mm; floral bracts 2–3 mm long; anthers 0.7–1 mm long
17b. Decorticated wood smooth, with small points, or with a few short ridges generally shorter than 5 mm
19a. Aments coetaneous (i.e., expanding with the leaves) [Fig. 888]
20a. Branchlets brittle at base, breaking ± cleanly at the junction of yearly growth; expanding leaves without red-brown hairs; aments 13.5–40 mm long
20b. Branchlets flexible at base, tearing when bent to failure; expanding leaves often with red-brown hairs; aments 12–29 mm long
19b. Aments precocious (i.e., expanding before the leaves) [Fig. 894]
21a. Floral bracts 2–4 mm long; anthers yellow; small trees 8–15 m tall
21b. Floral bracts 0.8–2.5 mm long; anthers yellow or purple initially, later turning yellow; dwarf shrubs to tall shrubs 0.3–4 (–8) m tall
22a. Anthers 0.5–1 mm long; aments 23–52 mm long; adaxial nectaries 0.6–1.1 mm long
22b. Anthers 0.4–0.6 mm long; aments (5–) 6–20 (–34) mm long; adaxial nectaries 0.2–0.7 mm long
23a. Staminate aments (10–) 14–20 (–34) mm long, with floral bracts 1.4–1.6 mm long; generally upright shrubs 0.3–3 m tall (in part)
23b. Staminate aments (5–) 6–11 (–13) mm long, with floral bracts 0.8–1.6 mm long; decumbent shrubs 0.3–0.7 m tall (in part)
12b. Filaments glabrous throughout
24a. Aments precocious (i.e., expanding before the leaves) [Fig. 892]
25a. Plants of subalpine and alpine communities, elevation usually exceeding 900 m
25b. Plants not of alpine areas, elevation less than 900 m
26a. Branchlets prominently glaucous
26b. Branchlets not glaucous
27a. Anthers 0.6–0.8 mm long; adaxial nectaries 0.6–1.5 mm long; second year branches usually yellow to yellow-brown or gray-brown (in part)
27b. Anthers 0.4–0.6 mm long; adaxial nectaries 0.2–0.7 mm long; second year branches usually red-brown to dark red-brown
28a. Staminate aments (10–) 14–20 (–34) mm long, with floral bracts 1.4–1.6 mm long; generally upright shrubs 0.3–3 m tall (in part)
28b. Staminate aments (5–) 6–11 (–13) mm long, with floral bracts 0.8–1.6 mm long; decumbent shrubs 0.3–0.7 m tall (in part)
24b. Aments coaetaneous or serotinous (i.e., expanding with or after the leaves, respectively) [Fig. 888]
29a. Floral bracts yellow-brown or pale green-yellow, often suffused with red at the apex [Fig. 887]
30a. Second-year branches usually pubescent, dull to sublustrous; aments subglobose to short-obloid, 10–42 mm long (in part)
30b. Second-year branches glabrous and lustrous; aments short-obloid to cylindric, 18.5–63 mm long
31a. Dwarf, colonial plants 0.03–0.15 m tall, of alpine communities, elevation exceeding 1000 m
31b. Short shrubs to small trees 0.3–7 m tall, not of alpine communities, of lower elevations
32a. Branchlets and often the second-year branches conspicuously pubescent with white tomentum (i.e., the hairs crimped and tangled; glabrescent in rare forms)
32b. Branchlets and branches glabrous or pubescent with pilose, villous, or veluntinous hairs (i.e., the hairs not crimped and tangled)
33a. Expanding leaf blades from vegetative buds with serrulate margins (rarely entire in S. eriocephala); first leaves with foliaceous stipules (sometimes minute in S. myricoides)
34a. Floral bracts 0.8–1.5 (–1.6) mm long, pubescent with wavy hairs; anthers 0.4–0.64 mm long
34b. Floral bracts (1.2–) 1.5–3 mm long, pubescent with straight hairs; anthers 0.52–0.76 mm long
33b. Expanding leaf blades with entire margins; first leaves exstipulate or with minute stipules
35a. Floral bracts 0.8–1.6 mm long, pubescent abaxially mainly near the apex; aments 11–21 mm long; anthers 0.4–0.6 mm long
35b. Floral bracts 1.6–2.2 mm long, pubescent abaxially throughout the surface; aments 24–48 mm long; anthers 0.6–0.8 mm long (in part)
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Each photo represents one species in this subkey.