- Group 1Lycophytes, Monilophytes
- Group 2Gymnosperms
- Group 3Monocots
- Group 4Woody angiosperms with opposite or whorled leaves
- Group 5Woody angiosperms with alternate leaves
- Group 6Herbaceous angiosperms with inferior ovaries
- Group 7Herbaceous angiosperms with superior ovaries and zygomorphic flowers
- Group 8Herbaceous angiosperms with superior ovaries, actinomorphic flowers, and 2 or more distinct carpels
- Group 9Herbaceous angiosperms with superior ovaries, actinomorphic flowers, connate petals, and a solitary carpel or 2 or more connate carpels
- Group 10Herbaceous angiosperms with superior ovaries, actinomorphic flowers, distinct petals or the petals lacking, and 2 or more connate carpels
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- Dichotomous Key
- Geraniaceae
- Erodium
See list of 7 species in this genusA genus very similar to Geranium in floral and fruiting characteristics, differing primarily by features discussed in the key to the genera. Our species of Erodium are much easier to identify when collected in fruit. The sepals are generally accrescent, and measurements provided in the key are for fruiting specimens. The apical pits of the mericarp bodies are crucial for identification. The presence/absence of glands can often be assessed on immature fruiting material. However, the prescence/absence of furrows below the apical pits requires mature fruits. The furrows (when present) in most species are paired (but see E. moschatum), forming a transverse groove below the apical pit, and are separated from each other by a narrow septum (i.e., the paired furrows are on the same latitudinal line). Reference: Taylor (1993).
1a. Leaf blades pinnately lobed, the blade segments not completely divided to the midrib or the midrib with a prominent wing of tissue (rarely divided near base of leaf, but then with only 1 or, very rarely, 2 pairs of distinct leaflets)
2a. Sepals 5–7 mm long; mericarps 3–5 mm long; carpel beaks 18–35 mm long; bracts of umbel ovate-orbicular
2b. Sepals 8–15 mm long; mericarps 7.5–11 mm long; carpel beaks (25–) 50–113 mm long; bracts of umbel lanceolate to ovate or triangular
3a. Apical pits of mericarp bodies stipitate-glandular within, without furrows below them; umbel with 3–10 flowers
4a. Carpel beaks 60–100 mm long; sepals 12–15 mm long; mericarp bodies 9–11 mm long (in part)
4b. Carpel beaks 25–42 mm long; sepals 8–12 mm long; mericarp bodies 8–9 mm long (in part)
3b. Apical pits of mericarp bodies eglandular within, with 2 furrows below them (lacking furrows in E. cygnorum); umbel with 1–6 flowers
5a. Base of stem, as well as upper portion of stem, pubescent with glandular hairs; leaf blades oblong to ovate in outline, with usually 5 or more principal lobes; mericarp bodies with 2 furrows below the apical pits
5b. Base of stem pubescent with eglandular hairs or sometimes glabrate (upper portion of stem glandular-pubescent); leaf blades ovate in outline, with usually 3 principal lobes; mericarp bodies without furrows below the apical pits
1b. Leaf blades pinnately divided into distinct leaflets [Fig. 670]
6a. Carpel beaks (56–) 60–100 mm long; mericarp bodies 9–11 mm long; sepals 12–15 mm long; leaf blades often with small, intercalary lobes/leaflets between the major lobes or leaflets (in part)
6b. Carpel beaks 10–40 mm long; mericarp bodies 4–9 mm long; sepals 5–12 mm long; leaf blades without intercalary leaflets between the major leaflets
7a. Mericarp bodies 8–9 mm long; apical pits of mericarp bodies stipitate-glandular within, without furrows below them; sepals 8–12 mm long (in part)
7b. Mericarp bodies 4–7 mm long; apical pits of mericarp bodies eglandular or sessile-glandular within, with 2 furrows or a pit-like furrow below them; sepals 5–9 mm long
8a. Leaflets prominently lobed, with sinuses extending ½ to nearly the entire distance from the tips of the lobes to the leaflet midrib [Fig. 670]; anther-bearing filaments without basal teeth; apical pits of mericarp bodies eglandular, with 2 furrows below them
8b. Leaflets toothed to lobed, the sinuses rarely extending more than ½ the distance from the tips of the teeth or lobes to the leaflet midrib; anther-bearing filaments with 2 teeth at the base; apical pits of mericarp bodies sessile-glandular, with a pit-like furrow below them (the additional furrow also sessile-glandular)
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