What’s a dichotomous key?
- Group 1Lycophytes, Monilophytes
- Group 2Gymnosperms
- Group 3Monocots
- Group 4Woody angiosperms with opposite or whorled leaves
- Group 5Woody angiosperms with alternate leaves
- Group 6Herbaceous angiosperms with inferior ovaries
- Group 7Herbaceous angiosperms with superior ovaries and zygomorphic flowers
- Group 8Herbaceous angiosperms with superior ovaries, actinomorphic flowers, and 2 or more distinct carpels
- Group 9Herbaceous angiosperms with superior ovaries, actinomorphic flowers, connate petals, and a solitary carpel or 2 or more connate carpels
- Group 10Herbaceous angiosperms with superior ovaries, actinomorphic flowers, distinct petals or the petals lacking, and 2 or more connate carpels
- You are here:
- Dichotomous Key
- Cyperaceae
- Carex
- Carex Group 7
Carex Group 7
See list of 64 species in this group-
1a. Style persistent on achene; perigynia (2.2–) 3.4–19 mm long
2a. Teeth of perigynium reflexed; achenes narrow-obloid
2b. Teeth of perigynium erect; achenes obloid-ovoid or obloid-obovoid to ellipsoid, rhomboid, or rhombic-ovoid
3a. Body of perigynium obconic, abruptly tapering to the beak; uppermost spike gynecandrous or entirely staminate (in part)
3b. Body of perigynium lanceoloid to ovoid or obovoid, moderately to gradually tapering to the beak; uppermost spike staminate
4a. Carpellate scales with a long, scabrous awn, the body of the scale often ciliate on the margins (in part)
4b. Carpellate scales either without prominent scabrous awns or with awns much shorter than the body of the scale, without ciliate margins
5a. Perigynia 8.7–12.1 mm long, lanceoloid, 4–7 times as long as wide; basal sheaths yellow-brown to brown, without anthocyanins
5b. Perigynia 11–19 mm long, narrow-ovoid, less than 7 times as long as wide; basal sheaths usually tinged with anthocyanic pigments (in part)
1b. Style deciduous from achene; perigynia 1.5–6.8 (–9.5) mm long
6a. Leaf blades V-shaped or U-shaped in cross-section (at least when young); adaxial surface of leaf blades without 2 marginal veins that are more prominent than midvein
7a. Bracts of inflorescence consisting of only a sheath; perigynia green, maturing glossy, dark brown
7b. At least the lowest bracts of the inflorescence with a short blade; perigynia variously colored, but not glossy dark brown at maturity
8a. Lower perigynia in each spike horizontally spreading to reflexed; carpellate spikes globose to short-ellipsoid or short-cylindric (in part)
8b. Lower perigynia in each spike ascending to spreading-ascending; carpellate spikes short-cylindric or ovoid to narrow-cylindric
9a. Abaxial leaf blade and surface of perigynia minutely papillose; plants colonial from long rhizomes, with strongly glaucous leaves (in part)
9b. Abaxial leaf blade and surface of perigynia without papillae; plants loosely to densely cespitose from short rhizomes (colonial from long rhizomes in C. crawei), with green to moderately glaucous leaves
10a. Perigynia rounded at base, apically with convexly rounded sides, often with red-brown or yellow streaks and spots (in part)
10b. Perigynia tapering to base, apically with flat or somewhat convex sides, without streaks or spots
11a. Perigynia with 2 evident marginal veins, the remaining veins obscure, the beak erect; achenes 1.2–1.7 mm long; lateral spikes, especially the lower, usually spreading or drooping (ascending in alpine populations)
11b. Perigynia with (22–) 25–32 evident veins, the beak usually curved or bent; achenes 2–2.8 mm long; lateral spikes usually erect or ascending (in part)
6b. Leaf blades M-shaped in cross-section (at least when young), sometimes ± flat at maturity; adaxial surface of leaf blades usually with 2 marginal veins that are more prominent than midvein
12a. Perigynium with 2 evident marginal veins, the remaining veins obscure or evident only in the basal portion of the perigynium body
13a. Perigynium abruptly tapered to a beak 1.7–4 mm long, the beak nearly as long as the perigynium body and terminated by 2 hyaline teeth 0.5–1.4 mm long (in part)
13b. Perigynium beakless or moderately tapering to a beak 0.1–1.8 (–2.2) mm long, the beak definitely shorter than the perigynium body and entire or weakly bidentate with terminal teeth up to 0.1 mm long
14a. Perigynium with a curved or abruptly bent beak; plants cespitose, with short rhizomes (in part)
14b. Perigynium beakless or with a straight beak; plants colonial from long rhizomes
15a. Perigynium neither streaked nor spotted with red-brown; abaxial leaf blade and surface of perigynia densely and minutely papillose (both usually smooth in C. vaginata) (in part)
15b. Perigynium often streaked or dotted with red-brown; abaxial leaf blade and surface of perigynia without minute papillae (in part)
12b. Perigynium with 2 evident marginal veins as well as 8–40+ additional distinct, fine veins that travel ± the length of the perigynium body
16a. Perigynia rounded at base, apically with convexly rounded sides
17a. Perigynia with impressed veins (especially in drying), without red-brown or yellow streaks or dots; carpellate scales with an awn 0.2–6 mm long (sometimes awnless in C. glaucodea)
17b. Perigynia with elevated nerves, often with red-brown or yellow streaks or dots; carpellate scales sharply pointed to shortly awned, the awns up to 0.5 mm long when present (in part)
16b. Perigynia tapering to base, apically with flat or somewhat convex sides
18a. Plants colonial from long rhizomes; abaxial leaf blade and surface of perigynia minutely papillose (view at 20 × or higher magnification; both usually smooth inC. vaginata) (in part)
18b. Plants loosely to densely cespitose from short rhizomes; abaxial leaf blade and surface of perigynia without minute papillae
19a. Perigynia with 8–20 veins; beak of perigynium (when present) terminated by 2 teeth 0.2–1 mm long; uppermost spike gynecandrous or entirely staminate (in part)
19b. Perigynia with (22–) 25–40+ veins; beak of perigynium ± entire, without 2 apical teeth; uppermost spike entirely staminate
20a. Perigynia with sharp angles and flat faces, usually with 40 or more closely spaced veins; plants often with a long-peduncled, carpellate spike borne from near the base of the plant
20b. Perigynia with rounded angles and convex faces, mostly with 22–32 veins; plants usually without basal spikes (in part)
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Each photo represents one species in this subgroup.