Page 16: 584 results for Vaccinium
Cotoneaster divaricatus (spreading cotoneaster)
...(Vaccinium species only): NA. Leaf blade hairs: the hairs on the leaf blade are different from the choices given. ...
Ulmus parvifolia (Chinese elm)
...(Vaccinium species only): NA. Stalked glands on fruit (Rosa): NA. Hairs on ovary (Amelanchier): ...
Buddleja davidii (orange-eye butterfly-bush)
...(Vaccinium species only): NA. Stamen number: 4. Sepal cilia (Ilex): NA. ...
Populus tremula (European poplar)
...(Vaccinium species only): NA. Bud scar shape (Fraxinus): NA. Hairs on ovary (Amelanchier): ...
Ficus carica (common fig)
...(Vaccinium species only): NA. Growth form: the plant is a tree. Bud scale number: ...
Ampelopsis glandulosa (Amur peppervine)
...(Vaccinium species only): NA. Hairs on ovary (Amelanchier): NA. Branch brittleness (willows only):...
Akebia quinata (chocolate-vine)
...(Vaccinium species only): NA. Bud scar shape (Fraxinus): NA. Leaf blade edges: ...
Acer pseudoplatanus (sycamore maple)
...(Vaccinium species only): NA. armature on plant: the plant does not have spines, prickles, or thorns. ...
Salix pentandra (laurel willow)
...(Vaccinium species only): NA. Petal appearance: NA. Flower petal color: ...
Artemisia tridentata (big sagebrush)
...(Vaccinium species only): NA. Leaf blade translucent dots: there are no translucent dots on the leaf blade. ...