Page 156: 1,569 results for Asclepias
Ranunculus flammula (creeping crowfoot, creeping spearwort)
...(Asclepias): NA. Sepals fused only to sepals: the sepals are separate from one another. Corona lob...
Gaultheria hispidula (creeping snowberry, creeping spicy-wintergreen)
...(Asclepias): NA. Capsule color (Viola): NA. Sap color: the sap is clear ...
Myosotis scorpioides (water forget-me-not)
...(Asclepias): NA. Anther opening: the anthers have narrow slits or furrows that run lengthwise along the anthers. ...
Viola blanda (sweet white violet)
...(Asclepias): NA. Perianth shape: NA. Hairs on upper side of leaf: the up...
Triadenum fraseri (Fraser's marsh-St. John's-wort)
...(Asclepias): NA. Glands on leaf blade: the leaf blades have glandular dots or scales. Hairs on fru...
Cardamine parviflora (small-flowered bitter-cress)
...(Asclepias): NA. Flower bract length: 0.0 mm–0.0 mm. Bracteole shape: NA. ...
Sium suave (water-parsnip)
...(Asclepias): NA. Petal hairs (Viola): NA. Flower symmetry: there are two...
Myriophyllum humile (low water-milfoil)
...(Asclepias): NA. Form of style: NA. Flowers sunken into stem: no. ...
All other herbaceous, flowering dicots: All other flowering non-woody plants: Simple Key
...ginger. Asclepias amplexicaulis. clasping milkweed. Asclepias exaltata. poke milkweed. Asclepias incarnata. swamp milkweed. Asclepias purpurascens. purple milkweed....
Hypericum boreale (northern St. John's-wort)
...(Asclepias): NA. Staminate bract edge (Myriophyllum): NA. Achene shape: ...