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Sighting: betula nigra at Dedham, MA

by Steph Radner on April 10 2019

Location notes: Charles River in Dedham, along walking trails at NewBridge on the Charles senior living center. photos taken at 42.2688609, -71.1969376

Comments: I know betula nigra is on the watch list, and the distribution map shows it as non-native in Norfolk County. There are several areas along the Charles River in Dedham where I believe the populations are native (not planted and not the 'heritage' variety). Photos show the view toward the east and west from the posted location and a view of the bark where it was damaged from a rope showing the orange coloration. There are at least 100 trunks, although many are in clusters growing from a single base. None of the trees, even those less than 4" in diameter, have the typical orange/pink exfoliating bark of the heritage tree. It's too early for catkins, but I'll check back in a couple weeks.

