- Group 1Lycophytes, Monilophytes
- Group 2Gymnosperms
- Group 3Monocots
- Group 4Woody angiosperms with opposite or whorled leaves
- Group 5Woody angiosperms with alternate leaves
- Group 6Herbaceous angiosperms with inferior ovaries
- Group 7Herbaceous angiosperms with superior ovaries and zygomorphic flowers
- Group 8Herbaceous angiosperms with superior ovaries, actinomorphic flowers, and 2 or more distinct carpels
- Group 9Herbaceous angiosperms with superior ovaries, actinomorphic flowers, connate petals, and a solitary carpel or 2 or more connate carpels
- Group 10Herbaceous angiosperms with superior ovaries, actinomorphic flowers, distinct petals or the petals lacking, and 2 or more connate carpels
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- Dichotomous Key
- Plantaginaceae
- Linaria
See list of 7 species in this genusLinaria aeruginea (Gouan) Cav. was reported from CT by Kartesz (1999), based on Harger et al. (1922). Harger et al. did not report L. aeruginea but rather reported L. reticulata Willd., a taxon that may belong in the synonymy of the European L. aeruginea (according to Chater et al. 1972). However, the original collection was determined as L. reticulata Desf. by Fernald (note discrepant authorities), a different species from northern Africa now referred to as Linaria pinifolia (Poir.) Thellung. Therefore, the report of L. aeruginea is here considered erroneous (i.e., it should be excluded from the regional flora). Linaria angustissima (Loisel.) Borbás was reported from Worcester County, MA, by several sources (e.g., Seymour 1982), based on Gates 28177 ( NEBC!). This specimen is L. vulgaris, as evidenced by the pubescent raceme and spur longer than 10 mm. I have seen two specimens determined as Linaria bipartita (Vent.) Willd., one from Fairfield County, CT ( Eames 9511 p.p. GH!), which was actually L. maroccana and one from Middlesex County, MA (17 Jul 1924, Kidder s.n. AMES!), which was taken from a cultivated plant. Therefore, this species, which is now treated as L. incarnata (Vent.) Spreng., is also excluded from New England. Linaria dalmatica (L.) P. Mill. ssp. macedonica (Griseb.) D.A. Sutton was reported from MA and NH by Kartesz (1999), but specimens are unknown. Linaria supina (L.) Chaz. was reported from MA by Knowton and Deane (1923c). However, the specimen (10 Jul 1863, Boott s.n. GH!) was collected from a cultivated plant (i.e., this species is not naturalized in New England; Sorrie and Somers 1999). Reference: Chater et al. (1972).
1a. Corolla white to purple or red-purple and usually faintly to prominently striped with purple, with a white, yellow, or orange palate; seeds ovoid-trigonous, transversely rugose, unwinged or with very narrow, flange-like wings
2a. Spur 2–5 mm long; corolla white to pale purple, therefore, the purple stripes very prominent; stigma capitate; pedicels and sepals glabrous; plants perennial by creeping rhizomes
2b. Spur 5–15 mm long; corolla purple or red-purple, therefore, the purple stripes less conspicuous; stigma bifid; pedicels and often the sepals pubescent with septate hairs; plants annual
3a. Corolla 20–38 mm long, with a largely white palate; spur 8–15 mm long, longer than the remaining portion of the corolla
3b. Corolla 15–18 mm long, with a conspicuous yellow palate; spur 5–7 mm long, shorter than the remaining portion of the corolla
1b. Corolla yellow, with a yellow or an orange palate; seeds discoid, not rugose, with a marginal wing or compressed-pyrimidal, rugulose, and with flange-like wing angles (ovoid-trigonous, transversely rugose, and unwinged in L. spartea)
4a. Leaf blades narrow-lanceolate to ovate, 3–40 mm wide [Fig. 769], rigid; seeds compressed-pyramidal, rugulose, with a very narrow, often whitish, flange on the angles
5a. Corolla 25–49 mm long; leaf blades 10–40 mm wide, broad-lanceolate to ovate, 2–4 (–5) times as long as wide
5b. Corolla 13–22 mm long; leaf blades 3–15 mm wide, narrow-lanceolate to broad-lanceolate, (3.5–) 6–12 times as long as wide
4b. Leaf blades filiform to narrow-elliptic, 0.5–5 (–15) mm wide [Fig. 770], herbaceous; seeds discoid, not rugulose, with a narrow, marginal wing (ovoid-pyramidal, transversely rugose, and unwinged in L. spartea)
6a. Stigma bifid; seeds ovoid-pyramidal, unwinged, 0.6–0.7 mm long; leaf blades 0.5–1 mm wide
6b. Stigma capitate; seeds discoid, with a narrow, marginal wing, 1.5–3 (–3.5) mm long; leaf blades 1–5 (–15) mm wide
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