What’s a dichotomous key?
- Group 1Lycophytes, Monilophytes
- Group 2Gymnosperms
- Group 3Monocots
- Group 4Woody angiosperms with opposite or whorled leaves
- Group 5Woody angiosperms with alternate leaves
- Group 6Herbaceous angiosperms with inferior ovaries
- Group 7Herbaceous angiosperms with superior ovaries and zygomorphic flowers
- Group 8Herbaceous angiosperms with superior ovaries, actinomorphic flowers, and 2 or more distinct carpels
- Group 9Herbaceous angiosperms with superior ovaries, actinomorphic flowers, connate petals, and a solitary carpel or 2 or more connate carpels
- Group 10Herbaceous angiosperms with superior ovaries, actinomorphic flowers, distinct petals or the petals lacking, and 2 or more connate carpels
- You are here:
- Dichotomous Key
- Asteraceae
- Asteraceae Group 2
- Centaurea
See list of 13 species in this genusCentaurea is a difficult genus that is plagued by misapplication of names (e.g., C. maculosa, C. pratensis). Report of Centaurea bovina Velen. in New England by Kartesz (1999) was probably based on a collection of C. diffusa. The report of Plectocephalus americanus (Nutt.) D. Don in Sweet by George (1992) was based on a specimen of C. nigra (Fernald 1922a). Reference: Keil and Ochsmann (2006).
1a. Involucral bracts tipped by 1 or more spines [Fig. 387]; disk corollas yellow, white to pink, or purple
2a. Capitula sessile, closely subtended and partially concealed by a series of non-spine-tipped, foliaceous bracts; pappus composed of 2 series of awns—the outer series smooth or minutely barbellate and 9–10 mm long, the inner series minutely pubescent with spreading hairs and 2–5 mm long
2b. Capitula sessile or borne on peduncles, not concealed by foliaceous bracts; pappus of capillary bristles or absent
3a. Apical spine of involucral bracts 2–3 (–5) mm long; involucre 4–5 mm wide; flowers lacking pappus; apical appendage of involucral bracts decurrent on body of bract, therefore the base of the appendage concave; disk corollas usually white to pink or pale purple; stems angled but not winged
3b. Apical spine of involucral bracts 5–25 (–30) mm long; involucre 7–12 (–15) mm wide; at least the central flowers of a capitulum with pappus; apical appendage of involucral bracts not decurrent on body of bract, therefore the base of the appendage ± truncate; disk corollas yellow or varying shades of purple; stems with decurrent wings (except C. calcitrapa)
4a. Disk corollas pale purple, pink-purple, or purple; stem leaves not decurrent
4b. Disk corollas yellow; stem leaves long-decurrent
5a. Apical spine of involucral bracts 10–15 (–30) mm long; marginal flowers of capitulum lacking pappus; disk corollas eglandular; pappus of inner flowers mostly 3–5 mm long, ca. twice as long as cypsela body
5b. Apical spine of involucral bracts 5–8 mm long; marginal flowers of capitulum with pappus; disk corollas glandular; pappus of inner flowers mostly 1.5–3 mm long, ca. as long as cypsela body
1b. Involucral bracts without spine-tips; disk corollas white to pink, red, or purple, or blue
6a. Apical appendage of involucral bracts decurrent on body of bract, therefore, the base of the appendage concave [Fig. 389]; principal stem leaf blades entire or conspicuously pinnatifid with linear to oblong lobes
7a. Plants annual; stem leaf blades linear
7b. Plants perennial; stem leaf blades oblong or lanceolate to ovate
8a. Appendage of involucral bracts decurrent nearly to the base of the bract; leaf blades entire (rarely the lower ones obscurely dentate); involucre 10–15 mm wide
8b. Appendage of involucral bracts decurrent only in the apical half of the bract [Fig. 389]; leaf blades pinnatifid; involucre narrower than 10 mm or wider than 15 mm
9a. Involocural bracts lacking prominent, longitudinal veins; pappus (3–) 4–5 (–6) mm long; involucre 18–25 mm wide; cypsela bodies 4–5.5 mm long; corollas of fertile flowers 20–25 mm long
9b. Involucral bracts with several, prominent longitudinal veins [Fig. 389]; pappus 1–2.5 (–3) mm long (rarely absent); involucre 6–8 mm wide; cypsela bodies 2–3.5 mm long; corollas of fertile flowers 12–15 mm long
6b. Apical appendage of involucral bracts not decurrent on body of bract, therefore the base of the appendage ± truncate [Fig. 388]; principal stem leaf blades entire to toothed (infrequently with a few small lobes on larger leaf blades)
10a. Apical appendage of involucral bracts often recurved, long-tapering to a filiform-fringed tip, the rachis of the appendage 0.2–0.4 mm wide on the middle bracts
10b. Apical appendage of involucral bracts ascending to appressed (rarely some with a loosely spreading apex), obtuse to acute at tip, the rachis of the appendage 0.5–3.5 mm wide on the middle bracts [Figs. 386,388]
11a. Apical appendage of involucral bracts light brown to brown, those of the middle and outer series irregularly lacerate, those of the inner series often bifid; pappus absent; outer flowers of capitulum usually enlarged and falsely appearing as ray flowers (but the corollas still actinomorphic)
11b. Apical appendage of involucral bracts brown to black, those of the middle and outer series regularly pectinate-fringed [Fig. 388], usually none of them bifid; pappus absent or present and then consisting of unequal bristles mostly 0.5–1 mm long; outer flowers of capitulum enlarged or not
12a. Apical appendage of involucral bracts 1–2 (–2.2) mm long, with 5–8 fringe segments on each margin, relatively narrow, the appendage not completely obscuring the distal portion of adjacent involucral bracts; involucre definitely taller than wide in life, ca. 1.5 times as tall as wide; outer flowers of capitulum sometimes enlarged and falsely appear as ray flowers
12b. Apical appendage of involucral bracts longer than 2 mm, the larger ones (3–) 4–6 mm long, with 7–15 fringe segments on each margin [Fig. 388], relatively broad, obscuring the distal portion of the adjacent involucral bracts; involucre nearly as wide or wider than tall in life; outer flowers of capitulum not enlarged
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