What’s a dichotomous key?
- Group 1Lycophytes, Monilophytes
- Group 2Gymnosperms
- Group 3Monocots
- Group 4Woody angiosperms with opposite or whorled leaves
- Group 5Woody angiosperms with alternate leaves
- Group 6Herbaceous angiosperms with inferior ovaries
- Group 7Herbaceous angiosperms with superior ovaries and zygomorphic flowers
- Group 8Herbaceous angiosperms with superior ovaries, actinomorphic flowers, and 2 or more distinct carpels
- Group 9Herbaceous angiosperms with superior ovaries, actinomorphic flowers, connate petals, and a solitary carpel or 2 or more connate carpels
- Group 10Herbaceous angiosperms with superior ovaries, actinomorphic flowers, distinct petals or the petals lacking, and 2 or more connate carpels
- You are here:
- Dichotomous Key
- Caryophyllaceae
See list of 28 genera in this familyReference: Mitchell (1993).
1a. Sepals distinct or essentially so (appearing connate in Scleranthus, but the tube actually a hypanthium) [Figs. 564,565,578]; ovary sessile; petals without a prominent, narrow, basal portion (i.e., lacking a claw or the claw obscure)
3a. Leaves alternate (rarely some subopposite); gynoecium with 3 sessile stigmas
3b. Leaves opposite or whorled [Fig. 561]; gynoecium with 2–5 stigmas (with 3 stigmas in Polycarpon and Spergularia but these elevated on styles)
4a. Flowers without petals [Fig. 565]; gynoecium with a single ovule; ovary maturing as a utricle
5a. Sepals white, spongy, each with a prominent awn
5b. Sepals ± green (but white-scarious at the margin in Paronychia, the actual color may be partly obscured by white or gray hairs on the abaxial surface), not spongy, with or without awns
6a. Stipules with entire margins, (0.5–) 1–8 mm long; calyx 1–4 mm long, the lobes white-scarious at the margins
6b. Stipules with fringed margins [Fig. 561], 0.5–1 (–1.5) mm long; calyx 0.5–1.5 mm long, the lobes green
4b. Flowers with white or pink to red-purple petals (but these sometimes caducous in Polycarpon); gynoecium with many ovules; ovary maturing as a capsule
7a. Flowers with a single style that is obscurely lobed near the apex; leaf blades elliptic to ovate or obovate; valves of capsules twisted after dehiscence and forming a tube
7b. Flowers with 3–5 styles; leaf blades linear to broad-linear; valves of capsules spreading to recurved but not twisted into a tube
8a. Leaves clustered at the nodes in 2 sets of 6–8, appearing whorled, with small stipules 0.5–1 (–1.5) mm long; flowers usually with 5 styles; capsules with usually 5 valves
8b. Leaves opposite (with axillary fascicles in S. rubra), with stipules 1–5 mm long; flowers usually with 3 styles; capsules with usually 3 valves
2b. Leaves without stipules
9a. Flowers perigynous (i.e., with a cupuliform hypanthium) [Fig. 568]; fruit a 1-seeded utricle; perianth sepaloid, composed of only sepals that have a narrow, scarious border
9b. Flowers hypogynous or essentially so; fruit a many-seeded capsule; perianth in part petaloid, composed of both sepals and petals (petals absent and, therefore, the perianth sepaloid in some Sagina and Stellaria)
10a. Perianth monochlamydeous, only the sepals present
11a. Flowers with 3 styles; capsule dehiscing by 6 valves; leaves linear-oblong to elliptic, 1.5–6 (–10) mm wide (in part)
11b. Flowers with 4 or 5 styles; capsule dehiscing by 4 or 5 valves; leaves linear-subulate, up to 1 mm wide (in part)
12a. Petals deeply notched, in some Stellaria so deeply as to appear as 2 distinct, but proximate, petals [Figs. 557,579]
13a. Gynoecium with 3 styles; capsules dehiscing by 6 valves (in part)
13b. Gynoecium with 4 or 5 styles [Fig. 557]; capsules dehiscing by 5 valves or by 8 or 10 apical teeth
14a. Capsules cylindric, dehiscing by 8 or 10 apical teeth; vegetative leaf blades 1–15 mm wide
14b. Capsules ovoid, dehiscing by 5 valves, each valve notched or shortly bifid at the apex; vegetative leaf blades 10–40 mm wide
15a. Plants fleshy; seeds 3–5 mm long; petals and stamens inserted on a conspicuous, 10-lobed disk
15b. Plants not fleshy; seeds 0.4–1.4 mm long; staminal disk inconspicuous
16a. Flowers with 4 or 5 styles [Fig. 567]; capsules dehiscing by 4 or 5 valves (in part)
16b. Flowers with 3 styles; capsules dehiscing by 3 or 6 valves
17a. Inflorescence an umbel with 3–15 flowers; petals minutely erose at apex
17b. Inflorescence a cyme or a solitary flower; petals not erose at apex
18a. Seeds 1–1.6 mm long, strophiolate; plants rhizomatous perennials, the stems not tufted
18b. Seeds 0.4–0.8 mm long, not strophiolate; plants annuals or perennials, the stems tufted
19a. Capsules dehiscing by 6 valves; leaf blades lanceolate to ovate, 3–5 mm wide
19b. Capsules dehiscing by 3 valves; leaf blades linear to narrow-oblanceolate, 0.3–0.8 mm wide
1b. Sepals connate in the basal portion [Figs. 570,572]; ovary stipitate; petals with a prominent, narrow, basal portion (i.e., possessing a claw)
20a. Flowers with 5 (rarely 4) styles or 1 style in staminate individuals of dioecious Silene; capsules dehiscing by 5 or 10 valves or teeth (or dehiscing by 8 valves in 4-styled flowers)
21a. Style conspicuously pubescent; calyx lobes 20–40 mm long, much longer than the connate portion; petals lacking both auricles and appendages at the junction of the claw and blade
21b. Style glabrous; calyx lobes 2.5–9 mm long, much shorter than the connate portion; petals commonly with auricles and/or appendages at the junction of the claw and blade
22a. Plants dioecious (i.e., with unisexual flowers), the staminate flowers with a single, undivided style; capsules dehiscing by 5 valves that eventually split again (in part)
22b. Plants synoecious (i.e., with bisexual flowers); capsules dehiscing by 5 valves or 5 bifid teeth
23a. Plants annual; calyx 15–28 mm long; carpophores (5–) 7–12 mm long; leaf blades linear to narrow-lanceolate
23b. Plants perennial; calyx 6–17 mm long; carpophores 0–6 mm long; leaf blades narrow-lanceolate to narrow-oblong or ovate
24a. Style bases persistent in fruit and reflexed; capsule unilocular, septicidally dehiscent, each valve lacking a distinct midline; petals 2- or 4-lobed, the lobes varying from short and separated by a shallow sinus to elongate and separated by a deep sinus [Fig. 563]
24b. Style bases not persistent in fruit; capsule 5-locular in the basal portion, loculicidally dehiscent, each valve with a distinct midline, sometimes further splitting on this line; petals ± entire at the apex
20b. Flowers with 2 or 3 styles; capsules dehiscing by 4 or 6 valves
26a. Calyx with 5 principal nerves (with an additional 10 fine nerves in 1 species), prominently scarious between the 5 principal nerves
26b. Calyx 20- to 40-nerved [Fig. 559], without scarious regions between the nerves
25b. Calyx not subtended by bracts, 5- to 30-nerved; seeds orbicular to reniform
27a. Flowers with 3 styles; capsules dehiscing by 6 valves
28a. Capsules borne on a carpophore 7–8 mm long [Fig. 555]; pedicels 1–5 mm long; stem and calyx glabrous
28b. Capsules borne on a carpophore as long as 6 mm (5–8 mm long in S. caroliniana); pedicels (2–) 5–50 mm long; commonly either the stem and/or the calyx pubescent, but both glabrous in a few species (in part)
27b. Flowers with usually 2 styles; capsules dehiscing by 4 valves
29a. Adaxial surface of petals with a subulate appendage at the junction of the claw and blade; calyx with 20, often inconspicuous, nerves
29b. Petals without an appendage; calyx with 5 nerves
30a. Petals 18–22 mm long; seeds globose; calyx nerved with stout ribs, these becoming wing angles in fruit, not at all scarious
30b. Petals 2–15 mm long; seeds subreniform; calyx merely nerved, without prominent wing angles in fruit, evidently scarious between its green nerves [Fig. 560]
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Each photo represents one genus in this family.