105 results for orchidaceae
Family: Orchidaceae (orchid family)
Family: Orchidaceae. Orchid Family. New England orchids are perennial herbs with upright stems. Leaves may be alternate, opposite, or whorled on the stem, or may grow only at the base of the plant...
Glossary: P: pollinium
...(Orchidaceae), milkweeds (genus Asclepias), and some other plants (plural: pollinia).
Genus: Aplectrum (putty-root)
...Aplectrum. putty-root. Family: Orchidaceae. This Genus's Species: Aplectrum hyemale Key To This Genus's Species
Genus: Isotria (whorled pogonia)
...pogonia. Family: Orchidaceae. This Genus's Species: Isotria medeoloides Isotria verticillata Key To This Genus's Species
Genus: Liparis (wide-lipped orchid)
...orchid. Family: Orchidaceae. This Genus's Species: Liparis liliifolia Liparis loeselii Key To This Genus's Species
Genus: Arethusa (dragon's-mouth)
...Arethusa. dragon's-mouth. Family: Orchidaceae. This Genus's Species: Arethusa bulbosa Key To This Genus's Species
Orchids and related plants: Simple Key
...family Orchidaceae. Key Characteristics: Orchids have specialized, often showy flowers with colors and structures that attract insect pollinators. The flowers have a modified petal called a l...
Genus: Gymnadenia (fragrant orchid)
...orchid. Family: Orchidaceae. This Genus's Species: Gymnadenia conopsea Key To This Genus's Species
Genus: Pogonia (bog orchid)
...orchid. Family: Orchidaceae. This Genus's Species: Pogonia ophioglossoides Key To This Genus's Species
Genus: Epipactis (helleborine)
...Epipactis. helleborine. Family: Orchidaceae. This Genus's Species: Epipactis atrorubens Epipactis helleborine Key To This Genus's Species