Page 107: 1,569 results for Asclepias
Filipendula rubra (prairie dropwort, queen-of-the-prairie)
...(Asclepias): NA. Fruit type (specific): the fruit is an achene (dry, usually one-seeded, does not separate or split open at...
Hypericum dolabriforme (straggling St. John's-wort)
...(Asclepias): NA. Parasitism: the plant is not parasitic. Spines on plant: ...
Penstemon laevigatus (eastern smooth beardtongue)
...(Asclepias): NA. Leaf blade edges: the edge of the leaf blade has teeth. Sepal length: ...
Trifolium incarnatum (crimson clover)
...(Asclepias): NA. Anther opening: the anthers have narrow slits or furrows that run lengthwise along the anthers. ...
Crocanthemum dumosum (bushy frostweed)
...(Asclepias): NA. Scales inside corolla: no. Cleistogamous flowers: the p...
Viola renifolia (kidney-leaved violet)
...(Asclepias): NA. Stamen position relative to petals: the stamens are lined up with the sepals. Fru...
Malva alcea (vervain mallow)
...(Asclepias): NA. Sepal and petal color: the sepals are different from the petals. Leaf blade shape...
Calystegia spithamaea (upright false bindweed)
...(Asclepias): NA. Number of sepals, petals or tepals: there are five petals, sepals, or tepals in the flower. ...
Persicaria punctata (dotted smartweed)
...(Asclepias): NA. Petal appearance: the petals are thin and delicate, and pigmented (colored other than green or brown). ...
Lysimachia quadriflora (four-flowered yellow-loosestrife)
...(Asclepias): NA. Bracteole number (Apiaceae): 0.0 NA–0.0 NA. Petal hairs (Viola): ...