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See list of 2 genera in this family
  • 1a. Calyx usually more than twice as long as the mature fruit, the portion extending beyond the fruit often contorted; style more than 3 times as long as the ovary; sterile style lobe protruding beyond stigmatic surface; connective of upper pair of anthers usually with a glandular appendage; schizocarps black; limb of corolla 11–24 mm wide
  • 1b. Calyx usually less than twice as long as the mature fruit, the portion extending beyond the fruit usually not contorted; style less than 3 times as long as the ovary; sterile style lobe not protruding beyond stigmatic surface; connective of anthers without appendages; schizocarps red-brown; limb of corolla 2–7 mm wide

 Show photos of:   Each photo represents one genus in this family.
