What’s a dichotomous key?
- Group 1Lycophytes, Monilophytes
- Group 2Gymnosperms
- Group 3Monocots
- Group 4Woody angiosperms with opposite or whorled leaves
- Group 5Woody angiosperms with alternate leaves
- Group 6Herbaceous angiosperms with inferior ovaries
- Group 7Herbaceous angiosperms with superior ovaries and zygomorphic flowers
- Group 8Herbaceous angiosperms with superior ovaries, actinomorphic flowers, and 2 or more distinct carpels
- Group 9Herbaceous angiosperms with superior ovaries, actinomorphic flowers, connate petals, and a solitary carpel or 2 or more connate carpels
- Group 10Herbaceous angiosperms with superior ovaries, actinomorphic flowers, distinct petals or the petals lacking, and 2 or more connate carpels
- You are here:
- Dichotomous Key
- Polygonaceae
- Persicaria
See list of 22 species in this genusReference: Hinds and Freeman (2005).
1a. Inflorescence panicle-like; perianth subrotate; tepals connate less than 20% of their total length
1b. Inflorescence raceme-like (sometimes consisting of few flowers and ± capitate or sometimes appearing panicle-like when the upper plant is highly branched); perianth campanulate to narrow-campanulate; tepals connate 25–66% of their total length
2a. Leaf blades extending down the petioles as a wing of tissue that clasps the stem (petiole sometimes only distally winged in P. chinensis); achenes conspicuously cellular-reticulate with longitudinal rows of aereolae
3a. Flowers with 2 styles; achenes biconvex; abaxial surface of leaf blade glandular-punctate; peduncle stipitate-glandular near apex just below flowers
3b. Flowers with 3 styles; achenes trigonous; abaxial surface of leaf blade without glandular dots; peduncle stipitate-glandular throughout
2b. Leaf blades without winged petioles, not clasping the stem; achenes lacking a conspicuous cellular-reticulate pattern
4a. Stems armed with reflexed prickles [Fig. 791]; principal leaf blades hastate or sagittate at base (sometimes truncate in P. perfoliata) [Fig. 791]; flowers comparatively few, in a short to capitate raceme-like inflorescence 0.4–2 (–3) cm long
5a. Sheathing stipules apically foliaceous and expanded; leaf blades subpeltate; perianth persistent in fruit, forming a thickened, blue covering over the achene
5b. Sheathing stipules scarious or hyaline, not expanded upward; leaf blades basifixed; perianth persistent in fruit, but neither thickened nor blue
6a. Leaf blades lanceolate to elliptic, 5–31 mm wide, sagittate at the base, the basal lobes directed backward; peduncles glabrous; styles trifid, 1–1.5 mm long; achenes trigonous, 3–3.5 mm long
6b. Leaf blades deltate, 10–150 mm wide, hastate at the base, the basal lobes divergent [Fig. 791]; peduncles hispid, often stipitate-glandular as well; styles bifid, 0.5–0.6 mm long; achenes biconvex, 3.5–5 mm long
4b. Stems unarmed; leaf blades cuneate to cordate at base, lacking prolonged basal lobes; flowers usually many, in an elongate raceme-like inflorescence 1–50 cm long
7b. Styles wanting or up to 2 mm long (up to 4 mm long in short-stamened flowers of P. amphibia), deciduous in fruit, not hooked at tip; perianth 5-merous, accrescent in fruit; flowers ascending to spreading (rarely the short pedicels drooped)
8a. Plants perennial with rhizomes or stolons
9a. Inflorescence terminal, solitary or paired, densely flowered, mostly 10–20 mm wide; tepals deep pink to red
10a. Widest leaf blades 17–29 (–35) mm wide; principal emersed leaves with petioles 1–9(–12) mm long, commonly with small, red-brown spots due to infection by Puccinia polygoni-amphibii, usually green in drying; primary inflorescences 13–32 (–36) mm long; floating leaf blades cuneate to rounded (infrequently truncate) at the base; rhizome 1.5–3.5 mm thick between leafless nodes, bearing few-branched to moderately branched roots; stipules of emersed shoots usually developing sheathing stipules with a foliaceous, outward-flange at the summit, these pubescent with wide-ascending to spreading hairs
10b. Widest leaf blades (23–) 32–63 mm wide; principal emersed leaves with petioles 5–28 (–38) mm long, lacking the mentioned fungal infection, usually tinged with red or brown in drying; primary inflorescences (25–) 29–90 mm long; floating leaf blades cordate to rounded at the base; rhizome (2.8–) 3–6.5 mm thick between leafless nodes, bearing highly branched roots; sheathing stipules of emersed shoots without a green, outward flange, glabrous or pubescent with appressed hairs
9b. Inflorescence terminal and often also axillary, often remotely flowered at the base, mostly 2–5 mm wide; tepals pink, white, and/or green
11a. Tepals spotted with numerous yellow to brown or red-brown glandular dots [Fig. 794]
12a. Inflorescence relatively sparsely flowered, usually interrupted in the basal portion with non-overlapping bracteoles; bracteoles subtending the pedicels (i.e., ocreolae) long-ciliate with hairs (0.2–) 0.3–1.9 (–2.2) mm long; leaf blades 6–24 mm wide (in part)
12b. Inflorescence relatively densely flowered, usually continuous throughout with contiguous or even overlapping bracteoles (rarely the lowest nodes separate); bracteoles subtending the pedicels usually eciliate or sometimes the lower bracteoles with short cilia up to 0.4 (–1) mm long; leaf blades 20–45 mm wide
11b. Tepals not spotted with glandular dots (rarely with a few, pale, scale-like glands in P. hydropiperoides, but these not providing an even dotting over the tepals)
13a. Hairs of sheathing stipules (i.e., ocreae) gradually enlarged at base, adnate to stipule for 28–66% of their total length; perianth usually pink to red or cream-white (rarely purple or green-white to green)
13b. Hairs of the sheathing stipules conspicuously enlarged at base, adnate to the stipule for (0–) 13–28% of their total length; perianth green-white to green
8b. Plants annual from fibrous roots and/or a taproot
14a. Sheathing stipules (i.e., ocreae) lacking a prominent ring of cilia around the summit, sometimes lacerate into segments in age
15a. Perianth consisting of 4 (–5) tepals; tepals conspicuously 3-nerved, each nerve forking near the end into 2 recurved branches [Fig. 792]; inflorescence relatively slender, 5–11 mm wide, the axis often arched or drooping
15b. Perianth consisting of 5 tepals; tepals obscurely nerved; inflorescence relatively thick, 10–15 mm wide, the axis usually straight or with a slight arch
14b. Sheathing stipules ciliate with a prominent ring of bristles around the summit [Fig. 793]
16a. Tepals spotted with numerous yellow to brown glandular dots [Fig. 794]
17a. Perianth consisting of 4 (–5) tepals; inflorescences terminating the main stem and often axillary, commonly with overlapping bracteoles (i.e., ocreolae), interrupted by small leaves; achenes dull
17b. Perianth consisting of 5 tepals; inflorescences terminating the main stem or branches, commonly with non-overlapping bracteoles (at least in the basal portion), without small leaves; achenes lustrous (in part)
16b. Tepals not spotted with glandular dots [Fig. 792]
18a. Leaf blades ovate, 3–16 cm wide; sheathing stipules horizontally divergent at the summit creating a conspicuous flange
18b. Leaf blades narrow-lanceolate to elliptic or oblanceolate, 1–3 (–4) cm wide; sheathing stipules without a horizontally spreading summit
19a. Upper portion of the stem and peduncles stipitate-glandular; inflorescence 3–10 cm long, lax or drooping
19b. Upper portion of the stem and peduncles without stipitate glands; inflorescence 1–4.5 (–6.5) cm long, commonly erect to ascending
20a. Sheathing stipules long-ciliate with marginal hairs (3–) 4–12 mm long; bracteoles of the flowers long-ciliate with marginal hairs (0.5–) 1–4 (–6) mm long; achenes trigonous
20b. Sheathing stipules ciliate with marginal hairs (0.3–) 1–3.5 (–5) mm long [Fig. 793]; bracteoles of the flowers short-ciliate with marginal hairs (0.1–) 0.2–2 (–2.7) mm long; achenes biconvex or both biconvex and trigonous in the same inflorescence
21a. Inflorescence loose and usually interrupted in the basal portion, 2–4 mm wide; leaf blades linear to narrow-lanceolate, (2–) 4–10 (–23) mm wide
21b. Inflorescence dense, usually uninterrupted, 4–12 mm wide; leaf blades lanceolate to narrow-ovate, (2–) 10–25 (–40) mm wide
22a. Inflorescence 6–12 mm wide, obloid to short-cylindrical; tepals 2–3 mm long at anthesis, enlarging in fruit and then up to 4 mm long, prominently, but minutely, patterned with a raised reticulum near the base; leaf blades commonly with a purple blotch on the adaxial surface [Fig. 793]
22b. Inflorescence 4–7 mm wide, cylindrical to subconical; tepals 1.8–2 mm long at anthesis, enlarging in fruit and then up to 2.6 mm long, faintly reticulate-patterned, if at all, near the base; leaf blades usually unblotched
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Each photo represents one species in this genus.