What’s a dichotomous key?
- Group 1Lycophytes, Monilophytes
- Group 2Gymnosperms
- Group 3Monocots
- Group 4Woody angiosperms with opposite or whorled leaves
- Group 5Woody angiosperms with alternate leaves
- Group 6Herbaceous angiosperms with inferior ovaries
- Group 7Herbaceous angiosperms with superior ovaries and zygomorphic flowers
- Group 8Herbaceous angiosperms with superior ovaries, actinomorphic flowers, and 2 or more distinct carpels
- Group 9Herbaceous angiosperms with superior ovaries, actinomorphic flowers, connate petals, and a solitary carpel or 2 or more connate carpels
- Group 10Herbaceous angiosperms with superior ovaries, actinomorphic flowers, distinct petals or the petals lacking, and 2 or more connate carpels
- You are here:
- Dichotomous Key
- Campanulaceae
See list of 5 genera in this family-
2a. Flowers and fruits solitary, sessile or subsessile in the axils of leaves [Fig. 541]; capsules slender-cylindric; plants annual
2b. Flowers and fruits solitary or borne in a spike, raceme, or glomerule, sessile or pedicellate [Figs. 534,536,537]; capsules globose or ovoid to obovoid or obconic; plants perennial
3a. Corolla slenderly tubular, cleft into 5 lobes; anthers connate at base; capsule dehiscing by 2 apical valves; inflorescence a dense, capitulum-like umbel that is subtended by a foliaceous involucre [Fig. 538]
3b. Corolla ± campanulate (narrow-campanulate in one species of Campanula); anthers distinct; capsule dehiscing by basal, lateral, or subapical pores; inflorescence open and not congested (congested in Campanula glomerata)
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Each photo represents one genus in this family.