What’s a dichotomous key?
- Group 1Lycophytes, Monilophytes
- Group 2Gymnosperms
- Group 3Monocots
- Group 4Woody angiosperms with opposite or whorled leaves
- Group 5Woody angiosperms with alternate leaves
- Group 6Herbaceous angiosperms with inferior ovaries
- Group 7Herbaceous angiosperms with superior ovaries and zygomorphic flowers
- Group 8Herbaceous angiosperms with superior ovaries, actinomorphic flowers, and 2 or more distinct carpels
- Group 9Herbaceous angiosperms with superior ovaries, actinomorphic flowers, connate petals, and a solitary carpel or 2 or more connate carpels
- Group 10Herbaceous angiosperms with superior ovaries, actinomorphic flowers, distinct petals or the petals lacking, and 2 or more connate carpels
- You are here:
- Dichotomous Key
- Aizoaceae
See list of 2 genera in this family
A specimen of Mesembryanthemum crystallinum L. was collected from Cumberland County, ME (specimen at GH). It was taken from a plant growing in the cracks of a walkway and is not here considered as evidence of naturalization.
1a. Calyx lobes white or pink to purple adaxially, with small, horn-like, subterminal appendages; leaves opposite, the blades 1–2.5 (–3) ×0.1–0.5 cm, linear to spatulate or ovate, and cuneate at the base
1b. Calyx lobes yellow adaxially, without subapical appendages; leaves alternate, the blades (0.4–) 1–10 ×2.5–8 cm, ovate-rhombic to triangular, and broad-cuneate to truncate at the base
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Each photo represents one genus in this family.