Page 83: 1,569 results for Asclepias
Viola lanceolata (lance-leaved violet)
...(Asclepias): NA. Hairs on underside of leaf: the underside of the leaf is not hairy, or it has very few hairs. ...
Stachys palustris (marsh hedge-nettle)
...(Asclepias): NA. Bracteole number (Apiaceae): 0.0 NA–0.0 NA. Sepal and petal color: ...
Lycopus virginicus (Virginia water-horehound)
...(Asclepias): NA. Leaf types: NA. Stem nodes swollen: the stem is not swo...
Verbena simplex (narrow-leaved vervain)
...(Asclepias): NA. Achene relative orientation: NA. Floral bracts: the flo...
Camissonia bistorta (California suncup)
...(Asclepias): NA. Achene relative orientation: NA. Leaf blade flatness: t...
Oenothera glazioviana (garden evening-primrose)
...(Asclepias): NA. Fruit locules: four. Petal base: the petal narrows abru...
Elatine minima (small waterwort)
...(Asclepias): NA. Leaf blade base: the leaf has a distinct leaf stalk (petiole). Flower appearance:...
Rumex crispus (curly dock)
...(Asclepias): NA. Hair between stem nodes: the stem has no hairs between the nodes. Hairs between s...
Oxalis montana (northern wood sorrel)
...(Asclepias): NA. Stamen number: 10. Wings on fruit: the fruit does not h...
Melilotus officinalis (yellow sweet-clover)
...(Asclepias): NA. Sepal shape: the sepal outline is lanceolate (lance-shaped; narrow, gradually tapering from the base to th...