Page 59: 584 results for Vaccinium
Linnaea borealis (American twinflower)
...(Vaccinium species only): NA. Leaf midrib glands: the midrib of the leaf blade lacks glands on the upper surface. ...
Gaultheria procumbens (eastern spicy-wintergreen, wintergreen)
...(Vaccinium species only): NA. Ovary stipe: the ovary or fruit does not have a stipe. First-year ca...
Chimaphila umbellata (noble prince's-pine, pipsissewa)
...(Vaccinium species only): NA. Leaf blade veins: the leaf blade has one main vein running from the base toward the tip. ...
Hudsonia tomentosa (sand false heather, woolly beach-heather)
...(Vaccinium species only): NA. Number of branches in umbel: 0.0 NA–0.0 NA. Leaf blade texture: ...