Page 5: 49 results for Trifolium
Question: I spotted this beauty yesterday, June 26, at Wilbur Preserve South in …
...(e.g., Trifolium, Medicago, Melilotus). I am not certain who you have photographed as I haven't seen this morphology before. Some species of Medicago show the bristle-tipped leaflets displayed ...
Family: Fabaceae (bean or legume family)
...Thermopsis Trifolium Trigonella Ulex Vicia Wisteria Key To This Family's Genera
Cuscuta epithymum (clover dodder)
...(Trifolium) and bush-clovers (Medicago). Habitat: anthropogenic (man-made or disturbed habitats), meadows and fields All Characteristics: New England state: V...
Orobanche minor (lesser broom-rape)
...(Trifolium), leading to the federal listing of this species as a noxious weed. In addition, it is poisonous to mammal grazers. Habitat: anthropogenic (man-made or disturbed habitats) All Charac...
Melilotus indicus (Indian sweet-clover)
... Trifolium indicum L. • MA, ME, NH, VT. Fields, waste areas, gardens. Native to North America? No Sometimes Confused With: ...
Other herbaceous, flowering plants with alternate leaves: All other flowering non-woody plants: Simple Key
...hedge-parsley. Trifolium arvense. rabbit-foot clover. Trifolium aureum. palmate hop clover. Trifolium campestre. pinnate hop clover. Trifolium dalmaticum. Balkan cl...
Maianthemum canadense (Canada-mayflower)
...Maianthemum trifolium Synonyms: Maianthemum canadense var. pubescens, Unifolium canadense Family: Ruscaceae Gen...
All other herbaceous, flowering dicots: All other flowering non-woody plants: Simple Key
...bluecurls. Trifolium arvense. rabbit-foot clover. Trifolium aureum. palmate hop clover. Trifolium campestre. pinnate hop clover. Trifolium dalmaticum. Balkan clover...
Irises, lilies, and other "monocots": Orchids and related plants: Simple Key
...Maianthemum trifolium. three-leaved false Solomon's-seal. Medeola virginiana. Indian cucumber root. Muscari botryoides. common grape-hyacinth. Muscari neglectum. st...